The cost of single-user and corporate subscriptions will be raised on March 1, 2025




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Old price: 0.00 USD
6.60 USD
  • Plugin for working with frequently-used notes

    Call options

    • ModPlus menu
    • ModPlus palette
    • AutoCAD ribbon
    • Command line: _mpNotes


    32x32px 16x16px dark 32x32px dark 16x16px


    The main window of the plugin contains three main parts: work with user notes, work with standard notes, settings



    When working with user notes, a note file must be specified. In the upper left corner there is a field displaying the current notes file. To the right of the field are buttons for working with the file:

    1.1 - open an existing notes file
    1.2 - create a custom notes file

    All notes are divided into sections. In the left part of the window there is a list of sections, in the right - a list of notes for the selected section. The controls for the corresponding list are right. The section controls include

    pencil - renaming selected section.
    1.3 - delete the selected section. When you delete a section, all notes related to the section that you are deleting will also be deleted!

    Note controls include:

    1.4 - add a new note. A special window will open for adding a new note. This window is described below.
    1.5 - add a note from the text. When this button is clicked, the function will switch to AutoCAD to select the text. The function supports adding a new note only from multi-line and single-line text. After specifying the text, a special window will open for adding a new note. This window is described below..
    1.6 - edit the selected note. The button is active only when the note in the list is selected. A special window will open for editing the note. This window is described below..
    1.3 - delete selected note

    When adding or editing a note, a special window opens:


    Choose a section - A drop-down list containing sections already added to the user notes file

    or create new - text field in which you can specify a name for the new section. When specifying an existing section and specifying the name of a new one, preference is given to the new one. a new partition will be created

    Text notes - text field containing the text of a new or edited note.



    Working with standard notes is similar to working with user notes except for the ability to add or remove notes from the database


    The lower part of the plugin window contains the elements for inserting the selected note:

    Insert - go to AutoCAD to select an insertion point:
    Specify the insertion point:
    Specify the insertion point. A new multi-line text with a custom width will be inserted.

    Add to exist - go to AutoCAD to select existing multiline text:
    Select multiline text:
    In the selected multi-line text, a note will be added from the new line.

    Text Height, Text Width and Text style - set the appropriate properties for the inserted text.


    3.1 - opening/closing the departing field with settings


    Context menu for text - when setting a checkmark in the context menu of AutoCAD for multi-line and single-line text, the item MP:Save as a note is added. Clicking on this item will open a window for adding a new note (described above).

    Double click on a note - setting the corresponding action by double clicking the left mouse button on the note in the list

  • Change history for

    2024 Year

    AutoCAD: Notes (11.12.2024)

    Service update.

    2023 Year

    AutoCAD: Notes (12.11.2023)

    Using the ModPlus.Xaml.Behaviors.Wpf.dll library instead of Microsoft.Xaml.Behaviors.dll to resolve compatibility issues with other plugins.

    2022 Year

    AutoCAD: Notes (02.02.2022)

    Added ability to select and insert multiple notes.
    Added creation of a backup file of user notes.
    Correct window behavior (does not hide behind the AutoCAD window).
    Fixed a bug that prevented the "Add to existing text" item from working when double-clicking.

    2020 Year

    AutoCAD: Notes (03.11.2020)

    Service update.

    AutoCAD: Notes (17.06.2020)

    The main algorithms for working with notes are moved to a separate library for later use in a similar plugin for Revit.
    Added the ability to stretch the window.
    Added search by category and notes.

    2019 Year

    AutoCAD: Notes (03.10.2019)

    Removed server work (backup).

    AutoCAD: Notes (19.07.2019)

    Fixed problem adding not valid (empty name) text style to the list of text styles.
    Fixed errors when sending and downloading files with notes.

    AutoCAD: Notes (04.05.2019)

    Upload and download files with user notes replaced with the FTP server on the web server.

    AutoCAD: Notes (10.02.2019)

    Fixed a localization error when deleting notes.

    2018 Year

    AutoCAD: Notes (30.11.2018)

    Added checking the current running commands in AutoCAD before inserting a new multiline text or adding notes to an existing multiline text.

    AutoCAD: Notes (19.10.2018)

    ModPlusStyle styling.
    Changing the location of function files.

    AutoCAD: Notes (16.06.2018)

    Changes are made in view of transfer of a folder of storage of the user settings.

    AutoCAD: Notes (14.06.2018)

    Replacement of the main icons of the function with the addition of icons for the dark AutoCAD ribbon design theme.

    AutoCAD: Notes (27.05.2018)

    Minor corrections in design.

    2017 Year

    AutoCAD: Примечания (04.03.2017)

    On the settings tab added methods for working with server – upload and download user files of notes. Only available in the full version of the function.

    2015 Year

    AutoCAD: Примечания (14.07.2015)

    Completely redesigned interface of the Windows functions.
    Simultaneous work with custom annotations and standard annotations ModPlus.
    Configure the action by double-clicking on the note.
    The ability to edit a custom note.
    Many small fixes and improvements.

    AutoCAD: Примечания (05.04.2015)

    Added the ability to enable the context menu to Add as a note for single-line and multiline text.
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ModPlus 2015-2025