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Differences in License Servers

License Server - a tool that allows you to use a corporate (multi-user) subscription. The License Server accepts requests from end users, checks for free space in the license repository and returns a response to the user with permission or prohibition to use the full version of ModPlus

There are two types of License Server: LAN License Server - working on the local network and Web License Server - working on the Internet.

On this page you can familiarize yourself with the differences of the License Servers and choose the option that suits you best


LAN License Server

Web License Server

Internet access available Internet access is not required for work. The license server runs on the local network of the organization Permanent Internet access is required for each user working with the Web License Server
Access to the license server Access to the License Server is possible only within the local network in which the LAN License Server is installed Access to the License Server is available from any workplace that has access to the Internet
Install additional software On the local network, a installation of the LAN License Server is required No additional software required
User Administration There is an opportunity to filter incoming connections using a white or black list There is an opportunity to make a list of users who can work with the License Server
Statistics No possibility to collect statistics It is possible to collect plugin usage statistics with the ability to add project names to the statistics
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ModPlus 2015-2025