Types of Licenses

ModPlus contains both free and partially paid plugins. To use partially paid plugins in full, you must purchase a license.

There are three types of license:

  • Single-user license for certain paid plugins included in ModPlus.
  • Single-user license for all paid ModPlus plugins (single-user subscription).
  • Corporate license for all paid ModPlus plugins (multi-user subscription).

Single-user plugin licenses or single-user subscriptions are activated using personal account, which allows you to get data on your purchases after authorization through the site account.

To choose the most suitable type of license, familiarize yourself with their features and differences.

Single-user plugin license

The license applies only to specific versions of the supported product (AutoCAD or Revit). If you purchased the full version of the plugin for Revit 2019, then for Revit 2020 you will need to purchase a new license.

The license has no restrictions on the validity period. The license will be active as long as you will use the product for which you purchased the license.

You can purchase full versions of only those plugins that you need in your work.

Single-user subscription

There are three types of subscriptions: subscription to all paid plugins for AutoCAD, subscription to all paid plugins for Revit, subscription to all paid plugins regardless of product.

Subscription applies to any version of a supported product (AutoCAD or Revit).

The subscription has a limitation on the validity period - from 1 to 12 months.

Subscription also applies to those plugins that came out during the subscription period.

One year subscription cost less than the sum of all individual plugin licenses.

You can use your account information on up to 3 computers. In case of exceeding the limit, your account will be blocked. When you log out of your personal account, the information about the computer you used is cleared on the server. If you click Logout all devices, all computers that used your current account information will need to be reauthorized, and the used computer count will be cleared to zero. You can also log out of the account on the current device with a decrease in the number of jobs in use.


Multi-user subscription

Multi-user subscription allows a certain number of users to use all partially paid plugins in full.

Has all the features that a single-user subscription.

The use of multi-user subscription is carried out using the LAN License Server in the local area network of the organization or using the Web License Server operating on the Internet using the HTTP protocol

To use a multi-user subscription, registration of all users on the site is not required.

Multi-user subscriptions can be summarized - i.e. use any number of subscriptions simultaneously.

Up to 25% discount on multi-user subscription depending on the number of users.

The cost of one workplace in a multi-user subscription is less than the cost of a single-user subscription for a year.

When using the corporate license, Revit and AutoCAD include indication of the user's workplace usage. Read more in this article.

ModPlus 2015-2025