LAN License server
Available version
When using the corporate license, Revit and AutoCAD include indication of the user's workplace usage. Read more in this article.
LAN License Server allows you to use one or more corporate subscriptions (multi-user licenses) for a certain number of ModPlus users on the network.
The license server must be running on one of the computers on the local area network (LAN) and enabled to listen on a specific port.
The license server accepts requests from end users, checks for availability in the license repository, and returns a response to the user with permission or prohibition on using the full version of the ModPlus plugins.
This tab launches the license server and displays basic information about the connected users and available workstations.
On the left side there is a server log output field.
The right side is located:
Ipv4 address of the current computer - a list of ipv4 addresses of the current computer. One of the list addresses must be specified in the end-user settings (in the Configurator on the Settings tab). It is recommended to use the first address in the list.
Listen port - in this field you need to specify the port number on which the license server will accept requests from end users. The maximum allowable value is 65535. The same port value must be specified for all end users (in the Configurator on the Settings tab).
You can check the free port with the netstat –na | find “xxxx” (where xxxx is the port number) entered on the Windows command line. The following image shows the result - port 11000 is busy, ports 8080 and 12345 are free.
Start - start the server. When the button is pressed, the server will start listening on the local network on the specified port. After starting the server, it is impossible to change the port number.
Stop - stop the server. When you click the button, the server will stop listening to the network, and all connected clients will be disconnected.
Workplace - this field displays a list of possible jobs by type of product supported. The workplace can be either for any product (when purchasing a subscription for the entire ModPlus plugin), or for a specific supported product (when purchasing a subscription for a supported product).
The total number of available jobs for each type is summed across all subscriptions that are in the license repository and are currently active.
When a workplace is requested from the end user, the workplace of a specific product is first issued, and if there is no such workplace, then a workplace of the “Any product” type.
Connected users - a list of currently connected users is displayed in this field, indicating from which supported product a request for a workplace was made.
Binding to hard drive - dropdown list with all hard drives found on this computer.
Hard disk serial number - information field showing the serial number of the selected hard disk
Registration key - the registration key of the current version of the license server. The registration key is generated based on the serial number of the hard drive selected in the list above.
Attention! When changing the hard disk, the registration key will be changed, which will entail a change in the status of the existing licenses, as well as a one-time shutdown of all users, in case the server is started to listen
Add license - adds a license to the license repository based on the activation key entered in the field on the left. When adding a license, the number of available jobs is recalculated, so there is no need to stop the server.
Next is a field that lists all the licenses in the license repository. For each license, its basic data is displayed:
- Product for which jobs are issued. May be of the type “Any product” if the license is purchased for the whole ModPlus plugin
- The start date of the subscription period, the end date of the subscription period, the subscription validity in months (3, 6 or 12) and the remaining subscription time
- Number of users - the number of jobs issued by this license
- Activation key on the basis of which this license is added
- Registration key for which the license was generated
Remove selected license - permanently deletes the selected license from the license repository.
Attention! Removing a license leads to a one-time disconnection of all users, in case the server is running to listen.
This tab allows you to create and use a whitelist or blacklist to filter incoming connections.
Language — select the current language. Changing the language does not require rebooting the server. When you first start the language is set according to the settings of the operating system. If there is no suitable language, the default language is Russian.
Load with Windows - add or remove license server from Windows startup.
Hide to tray on startup – if checked, the license server will automatically minimize to tray on startup
Start server when application is loaded - if the checkbox is checked, then when the license server starts up, it will immediately start listening to the network on the set port.
Use helper application — when you check the checkbox of the location of the license server, the auxiliary application ModPlusLicenseServerHelper.exe will be extracted and launched. This application runs in the background and at intervals of 1 minute checks for the availability of the license server workflow (ModPlusLicenseServer.exe process). In case the process is not found, the application will start the license server.
The use of an auxiliary application is recommended in the case of enabling the Load with Windows and Start server when application is loaded options.
Restarting the application every day - with prolonged use of the LAN License Server, overflow of application resources may occur, leading to a hang. It is recommended to enable application restart. When you enable restarting the application, do not forget to enable the option Start server when application is loaded.
The application is launched using Windows Task Scheduler. Two tasks are created in the task scheduler: ModPlusLANLicenseServerStopTask - launches the KillServerProcess.bat executable file, which stops the process of the LAN of the License Server and the auxiliary application at a specified time. The KillServerProcess.bat file is created when the LAN License Server is started. ModPlusLANLicenseServerStartTask - starts the LAN License Server 10 seconds after the specified time.
Restarting the server (stop and start) every ... minutes - when checked, a timer with the specified time interval will be started, after which the server will be stopped (all users will be disconnected) and restarted.
On this tab, you can go to the website, find out the current version of the license server and check for updates.
Work in tray
When you click close the program (cross) window appears:
You can close the program or minimize it to tray. When minimized, one of two possible icons will appear in the taskbar, depending on the listening state:
![]() |
- if license server is running to listen on the local network |
![]() |
- if license server is not running to listen on the local network |
Change history
Version [21.12.2023]
- The main server algorithms have been rewritten: timers are used instead of tasks, the use of global data buffer has been removed, some errors have been fixed
- Increased the data reception period from 100 to 200 milliseconds
- Full display of date and time in the log
- Added color designations to the log
Version [18.12.2023]
- Added a period of 5 minutes to the list of periods to restart the server by timer
Version [18.12.2023]
- Fixed "This type of CollectionView does not support changes..." error occurring when using timed restarting
Version [15.12.2023]
- Added ability to restart server operation (stop-start) by timer
Version [07.12.2023]
- The time interval used to verify user connectivity has been increased from 10 seconds to 30 seconds
Version [08.08.2023]
- Fixed bug that caused increased CPU load when licenses with expired validity period were present in the storage
Version [01.08.2023]
- Fixed a bug where the hard disk serial number was not detected in case of hard disk replacement
Version [30.03.2023]
- Removed Yandex.Metrica service used to collect license server launch statistics
Version [22.12.2020]
- Updated address for checking for updates
Version [22.11.2020]
- The principle of issuing licenses of the "Any product" type has been changed - if a user has several supported products running simultaneously (for example, AutoCAD and Revit), the user is occupied with one workplace of the "Any product" type
- Added the ability not to write messages to the log if the user has not connected due to lack of workplaces
- Added the ability not to write messages to the log if the user did not connect due to absence in the white list or presence in the black list
- On the "Server" tab in the "Connected users" list, a context menu has been added with the ability to copy a username to the clipboard, as well as add a user to the white or black list
Version [17.10.2020]
- Added the ability to enable restarting the application every day at a specified time
Version [20.09.2020]
- Added the "Permissions" tab, where you can configure a white or black list for filtering incoming connections
- Added display of the serial number of the selected hard disk on the "Registration" tab
- For all licenses in the repository, added display of the registration key for which the license was generated
- Changed application icon
- Added a link to help on the "About" tab
Version [27.02.2020]
- Made minor changes to the methods of reading hard drives
- Added the ability to insert an activation key from a text file
Version [15.10.2019]
- The display of errors in the pop-up window that occurs when checking for updates has been removed
Version [22.09.2019]
- Added ability to minimize license server to tray
- Change the way of checking for updates
- Fixed some bugs
Version [11.02.2019]
- Added admin rights to run application
Version [07.02.2019]
- Added digital signature
Version [17.01.2019]
- Fixed a bug that caused the server to close when the client was disconnected
Version [15.01.2019]
- Release
- if the license server is not running to listen on the local network