Material Manager


Material Manager

It's a free plugin!

  • Changes in properties and parameters of materials


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    The plugin window is divided into two parts: on the left side there is a table with the list of project materials, on the right side there are settings for editing selected materials.

    Materials table is filled with the list of all materials of the current project when the plugin is started. It contains the following columns:

    Status – displays the presence of unsaved changes of material properties

    Color – shows the color of the material in the shading mode

    Material Name – contains the material name

    Material class – contains the material class

    Elements – displays the number of instances placed in the model, to which this material is assigned. If you click on the quantity value, the given instances will be selected in the model. If you put the cursor over a row of the table, the buttons allow you to replace the current material for these elements with priority low and copy the ID values of the elements to the clipboard via comma content copy.

    In non-editable families and in elements where material is set "by category", material replacement is not possible. In these cases, when you try to replace the material, a window will be displayed with a list of ID of elements that could not be replaced.


    Columns can be swapped by dragging them behind the header with the left mouse button. The contents of individual columns can be sorted by clicking on the column name.

    Above the table there is the Refresh button (updates the list of materials in the table) and the following control tools:

    • field for quick search of materials by name without case
    • Show the materials of the selected elements option allows to display in the table only the materials assigned to the selected elements in the model
    • Only used option allows to display the materials assigned to the elements that have at least one instance in the model
    • button delete removes the materials selected in the table
    • button content duplicate duplicates the selected materials. 

    When you select a material in the table, Editing Materials:... section on the right side of the plugin window becomes available.

    You can edit materials one by one or in batch by selecting several materials in the table on the left side of the plugin window.

    The plugin allows you to edit the Material Name and Material class, and to customize the material display for the Shading, Surface Pattern and Cut Pattern modes. In each mode, to the right of each Colour palette there is button "k" that allows you to assign the selected color in all other modes.

    When you click Highlight materials, the parameters of the materials selected in the table are displayed in the Properties palette.

    To save the changes made, click Accept; to return to the original settings, click Cancel.

    At the bottom of the plugin window there is a status bar displaying the total number, the number of displayed and selected materials in the table.

  • Change history for

    2024 Year

    Revit: Material manager (11.08.2024)

    Optimize pattern list display with dark design theme.

    Revit: Material manager (29.07.2024)

    Added copying of parameter values when creating a duplicate of material.
  • Комментарии для сайта Cackle

ModPlus 2015-2024