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Web License Server

When using the corporate license, Revit and AutoCAD include indication of the user's workplace usage. Read more in this article.

The Web License Server allows you to use one or more corporate subscriptions (multi-user licenses) for a certain number of ModPlus users. Users communicate with the License Server via the Internet using the HTTP protocol.

The license server accepts requests from end users, checks for free space in the license repository, and returns a response to the user with permission or prohibition to use the full version of ModPlus plugins.

Administration of the Web License Server is available only to registered users who have at least one corporate subscription (license) among paid orders. A link to go to the administrative panel of the Web License Server is available from the personal account on the site.

When you first enter the administrative panel, a unique instance of the License Server will be created, to which a unique identifier will be assigned. This identifier is specified in the settings of the ModPlus software for end users:


Also, in the settings of the ModPlus software for end users, you must specify the email address of the user to identify him on the License Server (described later).

The administrative panel consists of three main blocks:



The current status of the License Server is displayed in the upper part of the block: Enabled - the License Server is turned on and licenses can be distributed, Disabled - the License Server is turned off and licenses are not distributed.

Allow all by email domain name - the option allows you to enable access to the License Server for any user whose domain name of the email address of the authentication matches the specified one. We recommend that you use this option only if your organization has its own unique mail domain. You can specify multiple domain names, separated by semicolons (;). Additional access settings are similar to the access settings in the user list (see below).

Workplaces (Occupied/Totals) - displays the number of connected users and the number of available workplaces. Data is updated with a period of 1 minute.

When requesting a workplace from an end user, the workplace of a specific product is first issued, and if there are none, then a workstation of the type Any product.

3 - causes an immediate recount of data.

Connected users - displays more detailed information from connected users: the application in which the user is working, email identification, IP address and Windows account name.



Information block displaying data on existing corporate subscriptions. For each subscription is displayed:

  • Name of supported subscription product
  • Subscription Status
  • Start date and end date of the subscription validity period
  • Remaining subscription duration
  • Duration of the subscription in months
  • The number of workplaces represented by this subscription



The administration block for users who can work with the License server. The upper part contains information about the number of users (total and in the current group) and a drop-down list of user group selections. The list of groups always contains the “All” group (displaying all users) and the “Not grouped” group (displaying users who are not in a group).

Beside the information about users, buttons are available:

6 - adding a new user to the list:


In this dialog box, you need to specify the user's email identification, which must also be specified with the user in the ModPlus software, and select the group in which to place the user (No group - do not add a user to the group). You can also specify a user name (optional).

8 - Deletes all users belonging to the currently selected group from the list. If group "All" is selected, all users will be deleted.

For each user, the list contains controls and additional access settings:

9 - opens a dialog box where you can edit the email identification, user name and change the group.
8 - removing a user from the list.

Product - a drop-down list for selecting a supported product, from which licenses will be issued to the user.

For any product - the option indicates that the user is available to issue a license when working in any supported product

Is on - the option indicates that the user is available to issue licenses from the current License Server (enable/disable the user without removing it from the list)

ModPlus 2015-2025