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Block replace


Block replace

It's a free plugin!

  • Plugin allows to quickly replace blocks or entities in a drawing with a specified block

    Call options

    • ModPlus menu
    • ModPlus palette
    • AutoCAD ribbon
    • Command line: _mpBlkReplace


    32x32px 16x16px dark 32x32px dark 16x16px


    Plugin works in three modes: Replace selected - allows to replace all selected blocks by one specified block; Replace similar - allows to replace all instances of one block by one specified block; Replace entities - allows to replace selected entities of Circle, Ellipse and Point types by one specified block. It allows to delete the description of the replaced block from the drawing base. Similar to the command "PURGE". Various settings are present

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    After launching the plugin, you need to select the Plugin work variant. The following operation modes are available:

    Selected — allows you to replace all selected blocks with one specified block

    Similar — allows to replace all instances of one block by one specified block

    Replacing entities — allows you to replace selected entities of Circle, Ellipse and Point types with the specified block.

    In the middle part of the plugin window you can enable the required block replacement settings.

    Then you should choose one of the options for the Removing replaced blocks from DB:

    • Ask — after replacing blocks, you will be prompted to execute the following command:

    Remove replaced blocks from the drawing database? [Yes/No]: — Yes — remove block descriptions from the drawing database; No — plugin termination.

    • Automatically remove — descriptions of replaced blocks will be removed from the drawing base, by analogy with the command "Purge" (_PURGE).
    • Do not remove — descriptions of replaced blocks will not be removed from the drawing database.

    Continue — switch to selection of the replacement block and objects to be replaced. The plugin also processes pre-selected objects — the replacement block can be selected before starting the plugin.


    Select replacing block: — select the block to which the blocks selected next will be replaced.

    Select multiple blocks to replace them: — selects one or more blocks. The selection may include a replacement block.


    Select replacing block: — select the block to which the following selected blocks will be replaced.

    Select replaced block: — selects a single block, all instances of which are to be replaced.


    Select replacing block: — selects the block to which the following selected primitives will be replaced.

    Select multiple objects to replace: — select one or more primitives of Circle, Ellipse and Point type.

  • Change history for

    2024 Year

    AutoCAD: Block replace (02.10.2024)

    Processing pre-selected objects as replaceable.

    AutoCAD: Block replace (10.09.2024)

    Added plugin settings window instead of command requests.
    Added ability to replace objects (circle, ellipse, point) with a block.
    Added ability to copy values of identical attributes from the block being replaced to the block it replaces.

    AutoCAD: Block replace (23.07.2024)

    Correct definition of dynamic blocks name when selecting similar blocks.

    AutoCAD: Block replace (23.07.2024)

    Correct replacement of blocks placed on Layouts.

    AutoCAD: Block replace (09.01.2024)

    Correct processing of dynamic blocks when replacing similar blocks.

    2020 Year

    2018 Year

    AutoCAD: Block replace (14.06.2018)

    Replacement of the main icons of the function with the addition of icons for the dark AutoCAD ribbon design theme.

    2015 Year

    AutoCAD: Замена блоков (19.11.2015)

    Added the ability to repeat for the replacement of blocks on some properties of the model blocks (layer, scale, transformation).
    Added settings window functions.
    To request the removal of units from the database-added options (to ask, to automatically delete, not remove).
  • Комментарии для сайта Cackle

ModPlus 2015-2025