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  • Revit. Tools. New commands: "Grid bubbles visibility" and "Select annotation"

Revit. Tools. New commands: "Grid bubbles visibility" and "Select annotation"

The Tools plugin is a collection of small commands that fall short of the level of full-fledged plugins. Something like small scripts. And today we are pleased to introduce you two new commands:

Grid bubbles visibility


Batch enable/disable bubbles of the selected grids or grids on the current view.

Select annotations

A small command that allows you to select only certain annotations by the frame: dimensions, tags and text.

And also in this update we added the ability to hide/show reinforcement in the current view. Corresponding buttons in the dropdown lists:

ReinforcementOn ReinforcementOff

Submit your ideas for small and useful command, and we will definitely consider all your suggestions!

Enjoy your work with ModPlus!

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