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  • Revit. Context Filter. Window mode, same parameters, filter search and presets without values

Revit. Context Filter. Window mode, same parameters, filter search and presets without values

Introducing a major update to the Context Filter plugin for Revit that greatly expands the filtering capabilities of elements. And in this article, we'll go into more detail about the new features

Window mode

Yes, we really wanted to make a unique plugin that works in the context of the current view, but we realize that there are drawbacks to such a solution. That's why we added the ability to use the filter in the usual window mode



When saving or modifying a preset, the Without values option is now available:


If you check this box, the parameter values will not be saved to the preset and all parameter values will be checked when the preset is applied

Search by filter

On the left side of the plugin you will find a new context By filter on view. When you go to it, you will see a drop-down list with all filters of the current document:


If you select a filter on the current view, you will search for elements by this filter, and the category tree will be filled with search results. Further on the tree you will be able to perform the usual filtering by parameter values

Search by ModPlus filters

Two more contexts Found in the view and Found in the model will allow you to process the elements found with the help of ModPlus filter:


There is a nuance with these contexts - for technical reasons they will only be available in window mode!

Same parameters

In our opinion, the most interesting novelty! Now each category has a checkbox on the right side. If you check this checkbox for more than one category, a new zone Same parameters will appear:


In this zone you will be able to see the list of parameters that occur in all selected categories. For each of these parameters you will be able to choose the values that are also found in all selected categories. Thus you will now be able to search for elements of different categories with the same value of the same parameter!

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Enjoy your work with ModPlus!

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