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  • Revit. Structure to parameter: Reverse result and volume of layers to parameter

Revit. Structure to parameter: Reverse result and volume of layers to parameter

Introducing version 2.0 of the Structure to Parameter plugin, which contains two important enhancements:

Reverse result

Following a request from our users, we have added the ability to write a reversible result - i.e. in reverse order - to a specified multiline parameter. To do this, you just need to specify an optional target parameter:

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If the parameter is specified and exists at the type, it will be filled in.

Volume of layers to parameter

The second improvement is a new command - Volume of layers to parameter. The command calculates layer volumes and writes them as a numbered list to a multiline element parameter. The interface and command settings are very similar to the main command:

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To specify a template, as in the main command, the type parameter is used. You can use the same template parameter and the same structure wildcard:

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