Let's go!


As one great man said - Let's go!

Perhaps it's time to start a little bit) Under the cut a few words about the start...


So, I decided to start. Let it sound so) 

Immediately explain some points:

1. This is a direct new version. Direct raw. Direct! And, of course, any errors in the work. What can we do adequate testing I have not, except as directed by users. BUT! Errors are possible in the Configurator, "Updater" or ModPlus plugin - in Functions of the errors can be is not

2. There are only 6 functions so far. Yes, it is not enough and most likely will remain on the old ModPlus plug-in. BUT! I can definitely say that most of the functions from the old version will appear very soon! And the new features of ModPlus will not let you skip them:)

3. Again about the functions. At once I will tell - from the old version I will not transfer ALL functions yet. And the reason is simple - some I just do not like in terms of functionality and convenience. Most likely I will rewrite them on a new one (for example, Filling specifications and related).

4. About Help. I ask to understand and forgive me, but the information will not appear immediately - well, it's very tedious business. I really do not like writing them. BUT! In my justification I will say - the whole program tried to make the most intuitive and simple.

5. About video. Be sure to have video examples.

6. About the payment for some functions. Forgive me, but: hosting for a paid site, a person was hired to create some functionality on the site, I found freelancers for the development of some parts of the code of the program, and simply - I spend a lot of time on it. BUT! You will see for yourself - the prices are just ridiculous

7. Before you start using the new ModPlus - read this mini FAQ. Just in case)

8. Do not forget that the site has a forum. Write all the comments and suggestions. And I beg you - enough to leave the topic, concerning the old version...

Well, like everything I wanted to say said) Go to the section Configurator, download the archive and start using!

Sincerely, Modis

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