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Unimportant updates without notifications

Now the auto-update module (starting from version has the ability to not show notifications for unimportant updates.

AutoUpdater 4

Here is an excerpt from the help:

Do not show notifications if the update contains unimportant changes (bug fixes) – if updates of functions or ModPlus components (except for the auto-update module itself) contain minor changes (these changes mainly include minor bug fixes), the update will occur without displaying progress and an final notification window. If an application that blocks the possibility of updating (AutoCAD, Revit, Renga, Configurator) is opened in the presence of unimportant updates, the re-check of updates will start immediately after closing the blocking application. If the check for updates is started through the context menu, and if there are errors during the updating, the progress window and the final notification window will be displayed regardless of the check mark.

In short – I release a function update by fixing some minor bug and you get this update without even knowing about it. So you will not be distracted by popup notifications.

Naturally, this feature only works if all updates are unimportant. If, for example, you receive an update of two functions, one of which is important, then all notifications will be shown.

I hope this opportunity will please many. Enjoy your work with ModPlus plugins!

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