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Import from Excel


Import from Excel

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6.60 USD
  • Plugin allows you to insert a table from Excel into a Revit drafting view


    32x32px 16x16px dark 32x32px dark 16x16px


    Plugin supports the conversion of basic properties of cells (size, borders, color) and text (font, size, position, color). Plugin writes information about the imported table to the current project. Plugin allows you to monitor the changed source data in real time

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    The main window of the plugin is divided into two parts. In the left part of the window, the list of imported Excel sheets in the current project is displayed. On the right side there are buttons for import management.


    Each item in the list of imported worksheets contains the following information:

    • Table – corresponds to the name of the drafting view on which the table is drawn
    • Status – the status of the table. Possible values are: Ok, Table update required, The source file is missing, Source sheet is missing or renamed
    • Source file – the name of the file from which the table was imported
    • Source sheet – the name of the sheet that was drawn

    Import control buttons

    Add – opens a dialog box for adding a new table (see below).

    Update – redraw the table selected in the list.

    Replace Source – replace the original Excel file and redraw the table.

    Open view – open the drafting view on which the table is drawn.

    Open source file – open the Excel file from which the table was imported.

    Remove link – delete the selected table from the list, but the drafting view on which the table is drawn remains (remove the link to the original Excel file).

    Delete – delete a drafting view on which the table selected in the list is drawn.

    When you refresh the table, a button Abort update appears, which allows you to abort a table update:


    In the upper right part of the window there is a button that opens the settings window:


    Thickness of lines – a list of line thickness ratios from Excel with Revit line weights. Valid values are from 1 to 16.

    In the lower part of the window, you can choose one of the options for interaction with the drafting view after importing. The following actions are available: Ask, Open, or Do not open.

    Add new table


    In this window you specify from which file and sheet in the file to import the table and in which drafting view to insert (draw) it. First of all, you need to select a file by clicking on the button with three dots. After you have selected the file, the list of sheets in the combo box below will be filled. Next you need to select the required sheet in the list of available worksheets. After you have selected the sheet, you must specify in which drafting view it should be drawn. You can create a new drafting view or specify an existing one.

    When you import a table into an existing drafting view, all data in the view is deleted!

    Information about the table is recorded in the extended data of the drafting view at the time of import. Next, you need to perform two actions:

    Convert – starts the process of converting the selected sheet into intermediate data, through which the drawing will occur.

    Insert – creates a new drafting view (if necessary) and draws the imported table on it using Revit's annotation elements.

    Tracking changes in real time

    At the moment when the main window of the plugin is openly monitoring changes to the source file in real time. As soon as the changes to the source file are saved, in the main window of the plugin for all items in the list referring to the source file, the status:


  • Change history for

    2023 Year

    Revit: Import from Excel (24.12.2023)

    Prioritize using the cached value when retrieving a cell value.

    Revit: Import from Excel (29.10.2023)

    Added check for falling within the range of acceptable values of width and height of the created text.

    2022 Year

    Revit: Import from Excel (18.12.2022)

    Changed icons.
    Added command access settings on the ribbon.
    Added an option to choose an action after importing a table (to open or not to open the view) to the settings.

    Revit: Import from Excel (10.08.2022)

    Displaying cell read errors after the whole Excel worksheet has been processed.

    Revit: Import from Excel (09.08.2022)

    Fixed an error that occurs in some cases when reading cells with formulas.

    Revit: Import from Excel (04.08.2022)

    Improved algorithm for determining cell width.
    Fixed an error reading the contents of some cells.

    Revit: Import from Excel (21.07.2022)

    Replacement of the main library for reading Excel files.
    Added ability to delete a table without deleting the drafting view.

    Revit: Import from Excel (21.02.2022)

    Consideration of the screen scale when converting cell sizes.

    Revit: Import from Excel (21.02.2022)

    Consideration of the screen scale when converting cell sizes.

    2021 Year

    Revit: Import from Excel (12.11.2021)

    Correct display of plugin windows (on top of the Revit window, but not on top of other application windows).
    Ignoring an error when failing to read the color of existing colors in the project.

    Revit: Import from Excel (05.09.2021)

    Removed the use of a static resource dictionary, which in some cases leads to errors when starting plugins.

    Revit: Import from Excel (13.07.2021)

    Added an option to change the source for an existing table.
    Added saving of the last opened folder when selecting an Excel file..
    Improved the accuracy of getting the width of the cells.
    Fixed an error that occurs when adding new tables if the color of filled region type created when tables were previously added has a changed fill color.

    Revit: Import from Excel (27.03.2021)

    Added replacement of prohibited characters in the name of the drafting view being created.

    2020 Year

    Revit: Import from Excel (06.06.2020)

    Bug fix selection width in the localized value text buttons.

    2019 Year

    Revit: Import from Excel (04.09.2019)

    Added capturing and displaying top-level errors.

    Revit: Import from Excel (03.08.2019)

    Added processing of text rotated 90 degrees (only Revit 2019 and higher).

    Revit: Import from Excel (01.07.2019)

    Fixed error when trying to create text cells that contain only whitespace.

    Revit: Import from Excel (03.03.2019)

    Fixed bug with reading Excel file with number of sheets is less than three in the limited version of the function.

    2018 Year

    Revit: Import from Excel (22.11.2018)

    Fixed a fatal error when reading data from a drafting view on computers with the optional designation of the time before noon and afternoon (AM/PM).

    Revit: Import from Excel (21.11.2018)

    Added update view name when re-open function after rename a view in the project manager.
    Fixed error when deleting a table if open only one drafting view.

    Revit: Import from Excel (29.10.2018)

    Fixed an error when searching for a suitable type of the TextNote.

    Revit: Import from Excel (21.10.2018)

    Functions rebuilt to work with the format of Open Office Xml (xlsx).
    Removed the settings window. Settings moved to main function window.
    Added error handling when converting/building an excel sheet without interrupting the process of the function.
    Small bugs fixed.
    ModPlusStyle styling.

    Revit: Import from Excel (20.06.2018)

    Fixed the cause of fatal completion of the work of Revit in case of error reading excel file.
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