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MEP connect


MEP connect

It's a free plugin!

  • Collection of plugins for automation of engineering systems connections


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    Connect connectors

    Connect two connectors (or MEP curves) by rotating and moving the first selected one.

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    The command works in cycles. Each cycle consists of two requests to select an element:

    Select the element to join - select the element (fitting or section of the network) to be connected.

    Select element to connect - select the element (fitting or network section) to which the previously selected element will be connected.

    Connection of elements is made through free connectors, which are located closer to the cursor position, which was at the moment of element selection. If the direction of the connectors does not coincide, the first (to be connected) element will be rotated.

    Connect straight

    Batch connection of straight pipes, ducts, wires, cable trays or conduits lying in one straight line.

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    When the command is launched, it is necessary to select linear sections of pipes, ducts, wires, cable trays or ducts. The plugin will then search for sections that lie in a straight line and connect them.

    Connect diffusers

    Batch connection of diffusers to ducts

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    After starting the command, select in the model the diffusers to be connected and the ducts to which you want to connect the diffusers, and click "Finish". Then the settings window will be displayed:


    The settings window will have several tabs (1 to 3) depending on the shape of the connector of the selected diffuser: settings for round diffusers, settings for rectangular diffusers, and settings for oval diffusers. The settings on these tabs are identical.

    Type of branch to be created - drop-down list of duct types of the current document, in which you select the type of duct used to build the branch (section between the diffuser and the target duct)

    Create a flexible connection between diffuser and branch - if checked, a flexible connection between diffuser and branch will be created. The properties Flexible duct type (sets the type of flexible duct) and Flexible duct length (sets the projection distance (i.e. duct length in plan) between the connection points of the flexible duct) will become active.

    The command processes only diffusers which have one unconnected connector oriented along the Z-axis.

  • Change history for

    2024 Year

    Revit: MEP connect (18.11.2024)

    Connect connectors: Added ability to connect connectors of different shapes.

    Revit: MEP connect (16.05.2024)

    Added ability to connect connect connectors of different sizes in the "Connect connectors" command.

    Revit: MEP connect (28.04.2024)

    Removed transaction grouping in the "Connect connectors" command.
    Added connector check in the "Connect connectors" command.

    Revit: MEP connect (09.01.2024)

    Connect straight: fixed a bug where existing connections were not restored.

    2022 Year

    Revit: MEP connect (23.11.2022)

    The "Connection already exists" error was fixed in the "Connect straight" command.

    Revit: MEP connect (21.11.2022)  Read more

    Added "Connect fittings" command.
    Added "Connect straight" command.
    Connect diffusers: creating a tap or tee connection based on the routing settings of the selected duct type..
    Connect diffusers: Consideration of the vertical section length when creating a flexible duct.

    Revit: MEP connect (18.11.2022)

    Fixed "The ElementId levelId is not a Level" error when creating ducts in Revit 2022 and older.
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