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Room volume


Room volume

Attention! The plugin is purchased for the specified version of the Autodesk product!

To use the purchased license, use the Personal account of the ModPlus software installed on Your computer
Old price: 0.00 USD
6.60 USD
  • Showing the volume of rooms and spaces in color using DirectShape


    32x32px 16x16px dark 32x32px dark 16x16px


    The Plugin lets you create DirectShape elements based on the volume of rooms and spaces in the model and assign different colors to the DirectShape elements you create. In the plugin window, you can group the created DirectShape elements by the value of the associated room or space parameter, and you can assign a single color to all DirectShape elements in the group

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    Plugin allows you to create a room and space volume view in the model using DirectShape in the “Generic Model” category in combination with elements of the "Parts" category. For correct display of the plugin result it is necessary to enable visibility of the specified categories on the current view. Elements of the DirectShape type refer to non-editable geometry.

    The stages of the current view are taken into account when creating a room and space volume view.

    Plugin window consists of three main parts: selection of the grouping parameter, the volume views tree, the create and remove buttons


    Process rooms from linked files - option that allows to show the volume of rooms and spaces from linked files. Before the names of such rooms and spaces link variant (gray) is specified in the volume views tree.

    The Create button has six commands:

    • (Re)create for all Rooms and Spaces - removes all previously created volume views and creates new ones for all placed rooms and spaces.
    • (Re)create for all Rooms - removes all previously created volume views and creates new ones for all placed rooms.
    • (Re)create for all spaces - removes all previously created volume views and creates new ones for all placed spaces.
    • Create missing (Rooms and Spaces) - creates volume views for all rooms and spaces, for which no volume view was created before.
    • Create missing (Rooms) - creates volume views for all rooms, for which no volume view was created before.
    • Create missing (Spaces) - creates volume views for all spaces, for which no volume view was created before.

    The Remove button has two commands:

    • Remove all volume views - removes all volume views created by the plugin (all that are displayed in the tree).
    • Remove volume views without the source Room and Space - removes all volume views not associated with the placed room and space (i.e., when the source room or space has been deleted).

    Depending on the selected grouping option, the views are displayed as a tree. The views are grouped according to the value of the associated room or space parameter.

    You can change the color for each grouping as a whole and for the volume view individually:


    If you put the mouse cursor over the tree elements, additional commands appear:

    3 - set random colors for all volume views of rooms and spaces in the group
    4 - selecting the view of the volume of room or space and shows it in the center of the screen
    5 - remove the volume representation from the model
  • Change history for

    2024 Year

    Revit: Room volume (10.11.2024)

    Removed border around the color selection element.

    Revit: Room volume (05.04.2024)

    Fixed a bug where volume views for rooms from a linked file were incorrectly displayed.

    Revit: Room volume (04.04.2024)

    Processing of rooms and spaces taking into account the phase of the current view.
    Added a border for the element that allows you to set a color.
    Fixed a bug where previously created volume views were not deleted if they were not present in the current list.

    Revit: Room volume (19.03.2024)

    Delete volume view for rooms that were deleted while the plugin window was open.

    2023 Year

    Revit: Room volume (27.11.2023)

    Increased transparency value.

    Revit: Room volume (27.11.2023)

    Creating parts by created DirectShape (solving the printing problem).

    Revit: Room volume (10.11.2023)

    Using the ModPlus.Xaml.Behaviors.Wpf.dll library instead of Microsoft.Xaml.Behaviors.dll to resolve compatibility issues with other plugins.

    Revit: Room volume (04.09.2023)

    Added the ability to process rooms and spaces from linked files.

    Revit: Room volume (29.05.2023)

    Fixed bug in which not all parameters could be displayed in the grouping list.

    2022 Year

    Revit: Room volume (07.12.2022)

    Added Space processing.
    Changed icons.
    Added command access settings on the ribbon.

    2021 Year

    Revit: Room volume (16.10.2021)

    Fixed a build bug that caused the Revit 2019 plugin to be reinstalled.
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