


Attention! The plugin is purchased for the specified version of the Autodesk product!

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Old price: 0.00 USD
6.00 USD
  • It is an analog of a standard calculator, with the ability to retrieve data from a drawing, adding a result to a drawing, and the ability to manually write a formula for calculating

    Call options

    • ModPlus menu
    • ModPlus palette
    • AutoCAD ribbon
    • Command line: _mpCalc


    32x32px 16x16px dark 32x32px dark 16x16px

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    In the upper left part of the window there is a button that opens the menu for selecting the work option — Calculator; Interpolation; Degree, slope:




    Input field — field for entering the formula. After pressing the button "=" or on the keyboard of the button Enter the formula from the window will be calculated, and the result is displayed in the corresponding field.

    15 — the context menu for inserting functions. For more information about the functions, see below in the table.

    Output field — field for outputting the result of calculating the formula.

    Result multiplier — a number from the drop-down list, by which the result of calculating the formula is multiplied.

    Prefix — field for specifying the prefix. When adding a result to the drawing, the prefix will be added to the beginning of the result.

    Output field — field for outputting the result of calculating the formula.

    Suffix — field for specifying the suffix. When adding a result to the drawing, the suffix will be added to the end of the result.

    Rounding — the indication of the number of decimal places to which the value in the output field will be rounded.

    Group Data from drawing contains functions for obtaining values from the drawing (the value is added to the end of the line of the input field). For some data retrieval options, it is possible to retrieve data from several objects by ticking the Several. Then when you select several objects from which you want to get the values, a window for selecting the sign will appear, which will be inserted between the values:


    Round — indicates whether the values obtained from the drawing are rounded to the specified number of decimal places.

    3 — measure the distance between two points
           Go to AutoCAD to query two points:
            First point: — specifying a point on the screen
            Second point: — specifying a point on the screen

    4 — get the sum of lengths from entities
           Go to AutoCAD to query two points:
            First point: — specifying a point on the screen
            Second point: — specifying a point on the screen

    15 — get the height 3D Solid
                   Select a 3D Solid that has the “Height” property:  select the corresponding object

    5 — get coordinates
           Go to AutoCAD to specify a point on the screen:
            Specify point: — specifying a point on the screen
            Select a coordinate [X/Y/Z]: — selecting the corresponding coordinate of the specified point

    6 — get the area
           Go to AutoCAD to select an entity:
            Get the area [Polyline/Hatch]: — the choice of the entity from which the area will be obtained

    7 — get value from text
           Go to AutoCAD to select an entity:
          Select single-line or multi-line text: — select single-line or multi-line text
           Several mode:
           Select several single-line or multi-line texts: — select several single-line or multi-line texts

    8 — get a value from the multileader
           Go to AutoCAD to select an entity:
            Select multileader: — select multileader
           Several mode:
           Select several multileaders: — select several multileaders

    9 — get value from table cell
           Go to AutoCAD to select an entity:
            Select table: — select table
            Select cell: — selecting a cell in a table
           Several mode:
            Select table: — select table
            First corner of the frame: — selecting the cell in the table, which will be the first corner of the selection frame
            Second corner of the frame: — select a cell in the table, which will be the second corner of the selection frame

    10 — get the value from the size
           Go to AutoCAD to select an entity:
             Select dimension: — select dimension
           Several mode:
             Select several dimensions: — select several dimensions

    The group of control buttons includes buttons for adding/removing of digits in the input field, for the purification of the input field, for calculating the formula as well as certain functions. A complete list of buttons and functions (including those missing in the group of control buttons) is given in the table:

    0...9 Adding to the end of the text in the input field a digit corresponding to the pressed button
    . Adding a dot at the end of the text
    + Adding a plus sign to the end of the text in the input field
    - Adding a minus sign to the end of the text
    * Adding the "multiply" sign to the end of the text in the input field
    / Adding the "divide" sign to the end of the text
    Raising the second power of a number from the input field or result field (if there is no value in the input field)
    Raising the third power of a number from the input field or result field (if there is no value in the input field)
    Extracting a square root from a number from the input field or the result field (if there is no value in the input field)
    ± Adding/deleting the minus sign as a result
    1/х Divide the unit by the number from the input field or the result field (if there is no value in the input field)
    sin Returns the sine of the specified number from the input field or the result field (if there is no value in the input field)
    tan Returns the tangent of a given number from the input field or the result field (if there is no value in the input field)


    The display in the input field of the number "pi"

    Erasing one (last) character in the input field


    Clear input field and output field


    Calculating the formula in the input field and displaying the result in the output field

    Functions not found in the group of control buttons


    Returns the absolute value of the specified number


    Returns the angle whose cosine is equal to the specified number


    Returns the angle whose sine is equal to the specified number


    Returns the angle whose tangent is equal to the specified number


    Returns the smallest integer greater than or equal to a given number


    Returns e raised to the specified degree


    Returns the largest integer less than or equal to a specified number


    Returns the remainder of dividing the specified number by another specified number


    Returns the logarithm of the specified number


    Returns the logarithm with base 10 of the specified number


    Returns the larger of the two specified numbers


    Returns the smaller of the two specified numbers


    Returns the specified number raised to the specified degree


    Rounds a value to the nearest integer or specified number of decimal places


    Returns the value that specifies the sign of a number


    Computes the integer part of a number

    The group Result to drawing contains functions for inserting the result from the output field into the drawing:

    11   insert result as a single-line text
           Go to AutoCAD to insert an entity:
            Insertion point: — specifying a single-line text insertion point

    12   add result to existing one-line text (with content replacement)
           Go to AutoCAD to select an entity:
           Select single-line text: — select one-line text to replace its contents

    13   add result to multiline text
           Go to AutoCAD to select an entity:
            Select multiline text: — selecting multi-line text to add results to it

    9   insert result into a table cell
           Go to AutoCAD to select an entity:
            Select table: — select table
            Select cell: — selecting a cell in a table

    8   insert result in the form of a multileader
           Go to AutoCAD to specify points:
            Specify point: — specifying the location of the leader arrow
            Insertion point: — the location of the leader shelf

    Prefix — field for specifying the prefix. When adding a result to the drawing, the prefix will be added to the beginning of the result.

    Suffix — field for specifying the suffix. When adding a result to the drawing, the suffix will be added to the end of the result.

    16 — opens a journal in which the last calculations are displayed:


    If you select in the calculation journal, it will be re-entered in the input field. The journal is kept only in the current session of the function. When you close and restart the function, the journal will be cleared.

    delete — clearing the calculations journal


    1 2

    Three options (selection in the drop-down list) — linear interpolation, linear extrapolation of the smaller and linear extrapolation of the larger. Calculation of the value occurs "on the fly" — i.e. when you enter the required values into cells.

    Degree, slope

    1 3

    Allows you to translate degrees and slopes into different values. Calculation of the values occurs "on the fly" — i.e. when you enter a value in any field.

  • Change history for

    2024 Year

    AutoCAD: Calculator (11.12.2024)

    The "Separator" option has been removed from the plugin window.

    AutoCAD: Calculator (23.02.2024)

    Fixed design with dark design themes.

    2023 Year

    AutoCAD: Calculator (21.08.2023)

    Improved algorithm for obtaining cylinder height.

    AutoCAD: Calculator (16.06.2023)

    Added possibility to get the height of selected 3D solids.

    2021 Year

    AutoCAD: Calculator (23.12.2021)

    Added new translation coefficients: 0.00001, 0.000001, 100000, 1000000.

    AutoCAD: Calculator (13.06.2021)

    Added multiplier result.
    Icons changed.

    2020 Year

    AutoCAD: Calculator (28.03.2020)

    Added the ability to use a comma as the delimiter between the integer and fractional parts of numbers in the entered formula.
    Fixed some localization errors.

    2018 Year

    AutoCAD: Calculator (19.11.2018)

    ModPlusStyle style.
    Removed window transparency.

    AutoCAD: Calculator (11.06.2018)

    Replacement of the main icons of the function with the addition of icons for the dark AutoCAD ribbon design theme.
    Replace some icons in the function window.

    AutoCAD: Calculator (18.03.2018)

    Added journal of operations.

    2017 Year

    AutoCAD: Calculator (02.12.2017)

    Side menu for selecting the operating mode is removed under the button (drop-down).
    Added option "Insert result into existing single-line text with replacement".
    Added window transparency (included in the side menu) when the window loses focus.
    Added ability to round values ​​from drawing.
    Changes in window design.

    2015 Year

    AutoCAD: Calculator (07.11.2015)

    Added the section "Interpolation".
    Added the section "Degree bias".
    Various small changes.
  • Комментарии для сайта Cackle

ModPlus 2015-2025