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  • Revit. Filter elements by belonging to a group. New built-in commands: select rebars, select host

Revit. Filter elements by belonging to a group. New built-in commands: select rebars, select host

We are glad to present you an update of working libraries for Revit with small but important changes.

In the elements filter by parameters you can now specify special parameters - ID, TypeID, Group, Assembly. Specifying ID and TypeID will take the instance ID or type ID from the element. Group and Assembly allow you to check whether elements belong to groups or assemblies. In this case, you can both check elements by the names of their parent groups or assemblies, and simply belonging of elements to groups or assemblies:

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We have also redesigned the mechanism of built-in commands - now they are added not to the standard panels, but to a separate panel called ModPlus:

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And we have added two new built-in commands:

Select rebars - enables you to select the Rebars included in the selected Structural Area Reinforcement or Structural Path Reinforcement.

Select Host - enables you to select an elements that is the Host for the selected elements.

Enjoy your work with ModPlus!

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