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  • Revit. Numbering. Two algorithms for numbering in schedules

Revit. Numbering. Two algorithms for numbering in schedules

In the last major update of the Numbering plugin, we replaced the numbering algorithm in schedules with the "Itemized" checkbox removed, which works several times faster than the previous algorithm.

But time has shown that the new algorithm does not always work. The idea of the algorithm is to delete rows of the schedule, but there are cases when it is impossible to delete rows (and it is not quite clear why), and there are cases when deleting one row leads to another new row.

So we decided to bring back the old algorithm while keeping the new one. Now, when you run the plugin in the schedule with the "Itemized" checkbox unchecked, in the plugin window there will be a choice of algorithm. We recommend using the fast algorithm first, and if it does not work in your case - then use the slow one

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