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  • Renga. Batch Sheets Export 2.0. Export by sections, pdf merge and sheet sets

Renga. Batch Sheets Export 2.0. Export by sections, pdf merge and sheet sets

We present you a new version of plugin for Renga Batch Sheets Export version 2.0!

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Now the plugin allows you to:

  • export sheets by sections
  • merge pdf
  • drag and drop sheets in a list
  • use sheet sets

Below we described these new features

Exporting sheets by sections

There are now two tabs available to you in the plugin - "By Sheets" and "By Sections":

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The "By sections" tab shows the sheets of the current project, grouped by section. Export is performed in pdf or openXps formats. After exporting you get one file (pdf or oxps) per section. At the same time you can exclude sheets from a section by unchecking them.

The questions may arise "Why did they make two tabs? Why not merge into one?". Yes, we thought at first to merge everything together, but given the pdf merge and the sets that will be described next, we realized that it would be more logical to split into two tabs. Plus, there are certain nuances in the Renga API that would have prevented us from making everything one tab.

Merge pdf

On the "By Sheets" tab, when exporting to pdf, the "Merge PDF" option is now available:

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If this option is enabled, the checked sheets will be exported to a single pdf file with the project name. The sheets will be arranged in the order in which they are presented in the list. Therefore, you can now change the position of sheets in the list by simply dragging them with the mouse.

Changing the position of sheets in every export is not the most interesting thing to do. That's why we added sets.


On the "By Sheets" tab at the top, a drop-down list with sets is now available:

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Sets save the position and state (checked/unchecked) of sheets in the list. Sets are saved with binding to the project file name. I.e. if you create a set in project "Project 1" you will not see this set in project "Project 2". Thus you will not clog the list of sets.

Summary: after evaluating all the added features we decided to make this plugin paid. But not expensive, like all our plugins. The trial version of the plugin works for 30 days, which is enough to evaluate the usefulness of the new features!

Enjoy your work with ModPlus!

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