Manage all imports of dwg files in the current document
Plugin displays all kinds of inserted dwg-files - both those belonging to views and those not belonging to views. It is possible to search in the list, to copy the id of a Dwg-import or a View, to open a View containing a Dwg-import, and to delete a Dwg-import
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All work of the plugin is done directly through the plugin window.
Plugin window does not block Revit. The list of Dwg-imports changes dynamically when you add/remove a Dwg-import with Revit and when you switch the document in Revit.
It is possible to filter list of Dwg-imports by type of view and type of import.
Belonging to the view - option to filter dwg-imports in the list by view belonging:
- Undefined - displays the list of dwg-imports that are unloaded from the project at the moment of plugin start.
- View specific imports - displays the list of dwg-imports that are placed on the Views.
- Model imports - displays the list of dwg-imports that are not placed on the Views.
Insert type - option to filter dwg-imports in the list by insertion type:
- Imported (or undefined) - displays the list of dwg-imports that were imported to the project ("Import CAD");
- Inserted as link - displays the list of dwg-imports that are inserted to the project as a link ("Link CAD").
Search by name and id of Import or view and id of view - search on the fly in the list of dwg-imports.
Below is the list of Dwg-imports of the current document. Each item in the list contains information about the Dwg-import: Dwg-import name, Dwg-import id, name of the View to which the Dwg-import belongs, view id. Each item allows to perform some actions:
- copy the Dwg-import identifier or the View identifier
- presence of an icon indicates that the Dwg-import is linked and not imported
- opening the folder with the source file for the Import that is inserted as a link
- select and show the Dwg-import
- delete the Dwg-import
To the right of the list of Dwg-import s there are buttons:
- select all Dwg-imports in list
- deselect all Dwg-imports in list
Items in the list support multiple selection by holding the Ctrl or Shift key and clicking the left mouse button.
The bottom part of the window displays the number of visible and total number of Imports in the list.
Delete selected elements - deletes several Dwg-imports selected in the list.
Change history forYear
2024 Year
Revit: CAD manager (25.09.2024)
FixFix some bugs.Revit: CAD manager (18.07.2024)
ImprovedChanged icons.2023 Year
Revit: CAD manager (08.11.2023)
ImprovedUsing the ModPlus.Xaml.Behaviors.Wpf.dll library instead of Microsoft.Xaml.Behaviors.dll to resolve compatibility issues with other plugins.Revit: CAD manager (30.05.2023)
FixFixed a bug where a plugin would run only once per Revit session.Revit: CAD manager (25.05.2023)
NewRewritten plugin architecture. Faster removal of a large number of Imports.NewAdded search by Import ID or view ID.NewAdded button to open the folder with the source file for the Import that is inserted as a link.NewAdded display of the number of visible and total number of Imports in the list.ImprovedSmall changes in the design of the Import list.FixFixed an error that would reset filters after Imports were deleted.Revit: CAD manager (05.01.2023)
ImprovedChanged icons.ImprovedAdded command access settings on the ribbon.2022 Year
Revit: CAD manager (04.05.2022)
NewOptimizing work with large lists.NewAdded "Select All" and " Unselect All" buttons.ImprovedAbility to run the plugin in the absence of dwg inserts.2020 Year
Revit: CAD manager (05.11.2020)
ImprovedService update.Revit: CAD manager (05.10.2020)
FixFixed a bug where, when opening new documents, the message about missing import elements continued to appear if the plugin was launched in a document that does not have import elements.Revit: CAD manager (15.09.2020)
NewFor dwg inserts added designation by insertion type (imported or linked). Added filtering by insert type.Revit: CAD manager (04.03.2020)
Fixed bug with incorrect display names of some dwg imports.2019 Year
Revit: CAD manager (23.07.2019)
Small changes in the design.Revit: CAD manager (03.03.2019)
Changed the search priority: first, insert of import (ImportInstance), then the description of import (CADLinkType), if no inserts.2018 Year
Revit: CAD manager (30.10.2018)
ModPlusStyle styling.Removed window transparency.Revit: CAD manager (28.03.2018)
Added import processing for CADLinkType type. - Комментарии для сайта Cackle