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  • Batch editing/adding parameters to projects and families


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    The plugin includes five sections:

    To go to the list of sections, click menu (black) in the upper left corner of the plugin window:


    Current document type – type of document in which the plugin is launched. The plugin can be run either in a project or family, or without an open document. In the latter case "No document" will be indicated. 

    Available sections – plugin sections available in the current document

    Unavailable sections – plugin sections available in another document type


    This section allows batch creation of parameters in the current project.

    Parameters can be either added from the Shared parameter file (hereinafter referred to as SPF) or created manually (custom parameters).

    Custom parameters created by the plugin will be Shared  parameters with random GUID, but without binding to a specific SPF.


    The plugin window is divided into 2 zones: a zone for adding parameters from SPF and a parameter table with a search bar and control buttons.

    You can add Shared parameters from a SPF in a drop-down list Select SPF located at the top of the plugin window. To do so, either keep the Current SPF in the list, or change to Selected SPF and choose its file path on your computer.

    Path to SPF:... allows you to quickly open a folder with the SPF.

    When you click the Add from SPF, a dialog box opens to add Shared parameters:


    The left part of the dialog box contains the list of Shared parameter groups, the right part contains the list of Shared parameters contained in the selected group. If you check the checkbox in front of the group name, all parameters of this group are automatically checked. To the right of each list there are buttons that allow you to check all visible items in the list checkbox multiple marked circle outline and uncheck all items checkbox multiple blank circle outline.

    Using the Accept all checked parameters are added to the table in the main plugin window for further customization. 

    Above the table of parameters there is a quick search bar by name of parameter without case. To the right of the search bar there are buttons to control the parameters in the table:

    plus – create a custom parameter manually

    checkbox multiple marked circle outline – select all parameters in the list

    checkbox multiple blank circle outline – unselect all selected parameters

    arrow up bold – export parameter list to Excel

    arrow down bold – import parameter list from Excel

    delete – remove selected parameters from the list

    broom – remove all parameters from the list. The list is cleared completely without taking into account the filtering in columns.

    Parameters table contains the following columns:

    • State – denotes the presence of the parameter in the current document. If the parameter is new, the cell will be empty
    • Create – checkbox for checking the parameters to be created in the project. It is available for editing only if the Name, Data Type and Categories fields are filled in, otherwise a warning icon alert (red) with the prompt will appear
    • Type – type of added parameter: Shared parameter or custom parameter
    • Name – name of parameter
    • SPF Group – the group to which a Shared parameter belongs. It is automatically filled in according to the SPF. For a custom parameter a dash will be specified
    • Data Type – data type of the parameter. For general parameters it is automatically filled in according to the SPF, for user parameters it is specified by the user
    • Group parameter under – automatically filled in according to the type of parameter, can be changed by the user
    • Instance/Type – Instance parameter/Type parameter. When adding a parameter, the default value is Instance
    • Values by groups – it is necessary to select one of the options: Values are aligned per group type/Values can vary by group instances
    • Categories – the categories of elements to which the parameter is added.  Set using the playlist edit, which opens the filter of elements by category, where it is necessary to check the categories of elements to which the selected parameter will be added
    • Default value – the value of the parameter to be set by default.

    You can sort the contents of the columns by clicking on the column name. If there is filter to the right of the column name, the values in that column can be filtered using this button:


    Rows in the table can be selected using Ctrl or Shift, and simultaneously for all selected parameters batch assign settings.

    After adding parameters to the table and setting the required settings it is necessary to check the checkboxes of new parameters to be added to the project or existing ones with changed settings and click Create. After the creation of parameters is completed, the results window appears:



    The section allows you to batch editing of parameters in the current project.


    The main part of the plugin window is occupied by the parameters table of the current project. Above it there is a bar for quick search by parameter name and the following actions with parameters:

    Change group – allows you to select another group in the opened window

    Make parameter of instance – changes the type parameter to the instance parameter

    Make parameter of type – changes the instance parameter to the type parameter

    Change by group – the parameter values will be aligned for each group type

    Change by instance – the parameter values will be able to change by instances of the group

    Delete – deletes Shared and custom parameters of the current project

    Clear the list of actions – removes the content in the Actions column for the selected parameter.

    For batch editing it is necessary to select in the table those parameters that need to be changed. For this purpose you can use search, filters and sorting in columns, Ctrl and Shift keys. Next, you should specify what actions you want to perform with the parameters by selecting them above the table. 

    In the Actions column for the selected parameters the specified actions will be added if they can be applied. If a property cannot be changed or if it already meets a condition for this parameter, this action will not appear in the list. Any added action from the action list can be removed by clicking on the cross to the right of its name. All added actions for the selected parameters can be removed using Clear the list of actions.

    Once the required actions have been assigned, apply them to the parameters using Execute.


    The section is an analog of the standard parameter editor of the current family, allowing you to use an alternative formula editor:


    In the upper part of the window there is a drop-down list of Types. To the right of it are the buttons for managing Types:

    plus – create a new Type by copying the current Type

    pencil – rename the current type Type

    delete – remove the current Type.

    Below there is a quick search bar by parameter name, next to it there are buttons for parameter editing:

    cached – replace the Shared parameter by a family parameter

    delete – remove selected parameters from the list.

    The first column contains the list of parameters of the current family. When you put the cursor over the parameter name, a pop-up tooltip with information about the type of parameter and its data type appears. The color indication before the parameter name indicates the type of parameter:

    • gray – built-in parameter
    • orange – family parameter
    • green – Shared parameter.

    When you put the cursor over a row, pencil (gray) and close (gray) buttons appear in the column Parameter, which allow you to rename and delete this parameter, respectively, and the pencil (gray) appears in the column Formula, which opens the formula editor window:


    The formula is written into the upper field of the editor. Using the right mouse button opens the context menu, which contains the list of available parameters with indication of data type and the list of available functions:


    Frequently used formulas can be added using star plus to the "Favorite Formulas" list. star opens the editor of favorite formulas:


    When adding a formula from the favorite formulas list, all current data in the formula editor will be removed!

    In the lower field using Validate, you can validate if the formula is correct and calculate the result.

    In the column Instance/Type, you can change whether this parameter belongs to a type parameter or an instance parameter.

    After clicking Accept, all changes made to the Type will be saved. Cancel allows you to close the plugin window without saving the changes.


    This section allows you to batch creation of parameters in project families, open families or families on disk.

    The section is available both in open documents and without an open document. When running without a document, only processing of families on disk is available.

    Parameters can either be added from a Shared parameter file or created manually. Custom parameters created by the plugin will be the family parameters.


    The plugin window is divided into 3 zones: the zone for adding parameters from the SPF, the zone for selecting families and the parameters table with a search bar and control buttons.

    In the left part of the plugin window there is a zone for selecting families to which parameters will be added.

    Three ways of adding families to the list are available:

    1. From file – adding families saved on disk via explorer
    You can select both single files using From files and all families located in the specified folder, including subfolders – From folder.
    1. From project – selection of families, instances of which are located in the current model. If the plugin is launched in the family editor, the list will include nesting families of the current parent family.
    When this way is selected, a drop-down list with options for selecting elements (Selected elements, On active view, In project) and Elements filter becomes available.
    Ignore nested families – the enabled option allows not to add Shared nested families from the project to the list. Available when selecting On active view and In project options.
    Select adds families that satisfy the specified conditions to the list.
    1. Open families – selection of families opened in the current Revit session
    Retrieve data adds all open families to the list.
    Families in the list can be moved and deleted. The families will be processed sequentially in order, starting from the top one in the list.

    The zone for adding parameters from SPF and the parameter table in this section are similar to the section Create parameters in project

    The column Formula is present in this section. The cell of this column becomes available for editing after all mandatory parameter settings have been filled in and the checkbox in the column Create has been selected. Clicking pencil (gray) opens the formula editor window:


    The formula editor is opened on the basis of the first family in the list. In addition to the parameters of this family, the list of parameters in the context menu includes newly created parameters that have been checked in the column Create.

    The formula is also validated by the first family in the list. Accept without validation allows you to write the formula to the parameter value without validation for correctness.

    Execute and close adds the checked parameters to all families in the list and closes the plugin window.


    The section allows you to batch editing of parameters in project families, open families or families on disk.

    The section is available both in open documents and without an open document. When running without a document, only processing of families on disk is available.


    The plugin window is divided into 2 zones: families selection zone and parameters table with search bar and control buttons.

    In the left part of the plugin window there is a zone for selecting families whose parameters are to be edited or removed. The order of adding families to the list is described in the section Create parameters in families.

    The right part of the plugin window is occupied by the table of parameters, above which there is a quick search bar by parameter name without case and the following commands for editing parameters:

    Rename – allows you to specify a new name for the family parameter in the opened window

    Make parameter of  instance – changes the type parameter to an instance parameter

    Make parameter of type – changes the instance parameter to a type parameter

    Remove – removes Shared and family parameters

    Clear the list of the actions – clears the actions of the cell in the column Actions for the selected parameter.

    The column Count displays the number of processed families in which this parameter is present. If you click on the value in the cell, a window with the list of families will open:


    When you move the cursor over a row in a cell in the column Formula, the pencil (gray) becomes available. It opens the formula editor window:


    The formula editor opens based on the family that contains the parameter to be edited. If there are several such families, the family closest to the beginning of the list will be used. The list of context menu parameters includes parameters of the specified family without taking into account actions that were assigned to them but not executed. The formula is validated by the same family. 

    In the column Actions for the selected parameters, the actions that were specified will be added, provided that they can be used. If a property cannot be changed or if it already meets the condition for that parameter, the action will not appear in the action list. Any added action from the list of actions can be removed by clicking on the cross to the right of its name. All added actions for the selected parameters can be removed using the action Clear the list of actions

    Once the required actions have been assigned, apply them to the parameters using Execute.


    In the upper right corner of the plugin window there is a button to call the settings cog (gray):



    Action after exporting to Excel: – select from the drop-down list the option of plugin action after the export of parameters to Excel is completed. 4 options are available: Nothing, Open target folder, Open created file, Ask for opening target folder.

    On plugin startup, open a section in the family document: – select from the drop-down list the section to be opened when running the plugin in a family document. 3 options are available: Family Editor, Create parameters in families, Edit parameters in families.

    Case sensitive search in the list of data types, parameter groups, column filters and the dialog box for adding parameters from SPF – an option that allows you to take into account the case of letters in the plugin search fields.

    Create parameters in families

    Action when parameter exists: – selection from the drop-down list of the plugin action option in case of adding a parameter that is already present in the family. There are 4 options available: Skip, Set formula (if possible), Set value (if possible), Set formula or value (if possible).

  • Change history for

    2024 Year

    Revit: Parameters (26.12.2024)

    Edit parameters in families: removed restriction on editing formulas of built-in parameters.

    Revit: Parameters (26.12.2024)

    Fixed some errors occurring during validation and pre-calculation of formulas.

    Revit: Parameters (24.07.2024)

    Correct name of the "Other" group in Revit 2025.

    Revit: Parameters (02.05.2024)

    Create parameters in project: added possibility to select all categories in the list.
    Create parameters in project: the button for editing the list of categories has been moved to the list of parameters.
    Create parameters in project: actualized list of categories.

    Revit: Parameters (18.01.2024)

    Added option to settings to specify which section will be opened when the plugin is launched in a family document.
    Added option to settings to enable case-sensitive search.
    When adding parameters from the SPF, parameters already existing in the current document are marked (only for projects).
    Fixed a bug where there were unnecessary data types in the parameter data type selection dialog in the "Common" category.
    Fixed an error in creating parameters with the "Other" group in Revit 2022.

    2023 Year

    Revit: Parameters (25.12.2023)

    Family editor: correct processing of parameters without data type.

    Revit: Parameters (24.12.2023)

    Removed the algorithm for determining whether the "Change by group" property can be changed when reading project parameters.
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