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Launching the plugin is only available on plans.
The main plugin window consists of three main parts: Dimensions, Options and Other:

Number of curve splits – the number of straight segments into which the curved walls will be split
Projection depth – specifies the Far Clip Offset (mm) for the created views (into the wall)
Inside offset – specifies the Far Clip Offset (mm) for the created views (from a wall)
Top offset – specifies the offset of the view boundary from the upper boundary of the wall upwards
Down offset – specifies offsets of the view boundary from the bottom wall boundary downward
Side offset – specifies offsets of the view boundary from the side wall boundaries to the sides
Create: Elevation/Section – select the type of view with which the wall layout will be created
Create: Room/Wall – select the element category, on the basis of which the wall layout will be created
If you select the create room, the Reverse order option becomes available. It allows you to choose the direction of wall layouts. If this option is on, the layouts are created counterclockwise, if it is off, they are created clockwise.
Apply view template – drop-down list of view templates available in the current document. If you don't want to apply the view template, select "No" from the list
Place on the sheet – drop-down list of sheets available in the current document, on which you can place the created view. If the option No is selected in the list, the created view will not be placed on the sheet
Layout name – the field where you can set the name of the created view. You can write the parameter value of the source wall or source room to the layout name by specifying the parameter name in curly brackets.
After making all the settings, first select the elements and then create a wall, using the buttons at the bottom right of the plugin window.
When you click the Select Element In Current Document/In linked Document button, you need to select in which document the elements will be selected and select the walls or rooms in the view for which the wall layout will be created.
Create – creates a layout of the selected wall or walls surrounding the selected room.
If you selected a single wall when running the plugin, then after clicking the Create button you will need to specify on which side of the wall you want to create the layout, by indicating a point on the plan.
If you choose to create a wall layout over the room, when you click Select Element, the In the active view in the current document option becomes available, which allows you to select all the rooms in the active view:

You can use Filter Elements by parameters
to select specific rooms.