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Schedule lookup


Schedule lookup

It's a free plugin!

  • Search for schedules in a project that contain the specified value


    32x32px 16x16px dark 32x32px dark 16x16px


    The plugin allows:
    • Find an unknown Schedule inside the whole project that contains a definite:
      a) field name
      b) column heading
      c) cell value.
    • Find an unknown Schedule inside the whole project that contains several user specified values.
    • Find a Schedule containing a field name even if this field is hidden.
    • Determine whether specified value comes from a key schedule and key schedule name if it does.
    • All of the above searches can be done ignoring the value case or knowing only a part of the value.

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    When you run the plugin, a search window appears:


    At the top of the plugin window there is a field for filling the value that the Schedule you are searching should contain. You can specify multiple search values by typing them in the delimiter character. In this case, only the Schedule that contains all the specified values will be searched.

    To quickly enter a delimiter character, just type two spaces in a row.

    Next, specify where to search for the entered values:

    Field name – in the names of fields or parameters
    Column name – in column header names
    Cell value – in cell values.

    Below you can specify additional settings:

    Delimiter symbol – change the delimiter character used to separate multiple values specified in the search field
    Ignore case – case insensitive search for values
    Search substring – indicates that the value entered in the field is part of the search value. For example, to search for a value Basic it will be enough to specify in the search field Bas and check this box.

    Next are the search controls, a field with progress and search status

    Find – run a Schedule search using the specified parameters
    Clean – clear input field for search
    Cancel – closing the plugin window

    In the event that the Schedule with the desired values are found, a window with search results will be displayed:


    When you double-click the left mouse button on the line in the list of results, a detailed search result window will be displayed:


    At the bottom of the window is the Open schedule button, which allows you to display a Schedule with the search values.

  • Change history for

    2023 Year

    Revit: Schedule lookup (15.01.2023)

    Changed icons.
    Added command access settings on the ribbon.

    2022 Year

    Revit: Schedule lookup (01.06.2022)

    Added an option to open the schedule from the "Information about search results" window.

    2020 Year

    2018 Year

  • Комментарии для сайта Cackle

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