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Layout manager


Layout manager

It's a free plugin!

  • Drawing layout manager displayed in the palette

    Call options

    • ModPlus menu
    • ModPlus palette
    • AutoCAD ribbon
    • Command line: _mpLayoutManager


    32x32px 16x16px dark 32x32px dark 16x16px

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    When the plugin starts, the layout manager opens in the form of an AutoCAD palette:


    Layouts in the palette can be interchanged by simply dragging and holding the left mouse button.

    The top of the palette contains several buttons:

    1 1 - create a new layout. If in the plugin settings (see below) the Request name when creating a layout option is enabled, a window for specifying a name for a new sheet will be displayed:
    1 4
    1 2 - Launching the standard AutoCAD function - Creating layout from template.
    1 3 - Opens the plugin settings window:

    When right-clicking in a list of layouts on a layout, a context menu appears:


    Open - switch to selected layout

    Delete - delete one or more selected layouts

    Rename - a window will open in which the current layout name is displayed and a field for entering a new layout name:


    Move/Copy - a window for moving/copying the selected layout opens, similar to the standard AutoCAD window:


    Layout settings manager, Print and Export Layout to Model - launch the corresponding AutoCAD functions. For these items to be active, the selected layout must be active.

  • Change history for

    2024 Year

    AutoCAD: Layout manager (21.11.2024)

    Removing start and end spaces from the Layout name.

    2020 Year

    AutoCAD: Layout manager (27.03.2020)

    Added support for AutoCAD 2021.

    2019 Year

    AutoCAD: Layout manager (28.09.2019)

    Added check for invalid characters in the name when you create and rename a layout.

    AutoCAD: Layout manager (14.01.2019)

    Fixed a fatal error in some drawings, when select a layout in the Manager.

    2018 Year

    AutoCAD: Layout manager (01.12.2018)

    ModPlusStyle styling.
    Replacement of main function icons adding icons for dark themes the AutoCAD ribbon.
    Fixed error when closing AutoCAD with multiple drawings open.

    AutoCAD: Layout manager (19.03.2018)

    Fixed the problem of displaying items in the context menu.

    2017 Year

    AutoCAD: Layout manager (26.10.2017)

    Added the ability to specify the number of copies when copying sheet(s).

    AutoCAD: Layout manager (15.05.2017)

    Fixed the error that occurred when invoking the context menu when the AutoCAD window was inactive.

    2016 Year

    AutoCAD: Layout manager (20.11.2016)

    Some bugs fixed when switching between sheets.
    Added remembering of the position for the Windows.
    Added automatic translation into the text field Windows New sheet name and Rename a sheet when opening.
    For window Move/copy added the ability to resize the window.
    Added handling of Enter and Esc buttons in all the Windows functions.

    AutoCAD: Layout manager (09.11.2016)

    Added connection Manager sheets to palette, ModPlus.

    AutoCAD: Layout manager (06.11.2016)

    Fixed a bug with copy empty tiles with the "move/copy".
    Fixed display sheets when closing all documents.

    AutoCAD: Layout manager (04.11.2016)

    Multiple selection (hold down Ctrl key or Shift key).
    Added ability to enable/disable the query name when you create the worksheet.
    Added button to create new sheet template.
    Added context menu: Move/copy, Select all sheets, settings Manager leaves, Print, Export sheet tab of the model.
    Changed the main mechanisms of function.
    Fixed problem with minimizing the window settings when you minimize the palette.
    Various bug fixes.
  • Комментарии для сайта Cackle

ModPlus 2015-2025