New function: Layout manager

Published: 02 November 2016

Meet the release of the new function - Sheet Manager. The function is used for more convenient display of drawing sheets in the AutoCAD palette

The first version, which means that there may be minor shortcomings and not all ideas and ideas are implemented. I remind you that you can always leave your feedback and suggestions on the site forum!


1000 users

Published: 08 September 2016


Congratulations to the user by name Алексей (login Alessis)! It becomes the 1000th registered user and receives a constant discount of 100% on all paid parts of the plugin!

And I congratulate myself and my project, which scored 1000 users, without using any advertising !!!


Plugin installation and binding, purchase of functions

Published: 03 September 2016

Many thanks to Maxim, which has once again confirmed that it is not in vain received a discount of 100% =)
Meet - a video, which tells about installing the plug-in, about binding the plug-in and about buying features. A look from the user, which I will safely put in the instructions!


Frequently used blocks

Published: 29 August 2016

Hi, dear users of the plugin! Somehow in one of the news i wrote about mini-functions - those. small functions that are included in the plug-in itself and do not require additional installation. And finally I finished the second such function - "Frequently used blocks". The idea of the function is to quickly and conveniently insert a block, which is often used in many projects. Such blocks are usually stored in separate files

The video example inserts a side marker block for the stamp and the block with the signatures. In general - see the video - everything is simple there


We are already 900

Published: 24 June 2016


Today, a 900-th user registered on the site! We congratulate him and myself! =))

User with name Александр (login - KamradLM) receives a constant discount of 50%!


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