
Any organization engaged in software delivery or BIM-Consulting can become a partner of ModPlus software (hereinafter referred - ModPlus).

The partnership allows you to sell ModPlus to clients with a partner discount from 30% to 50% (more details in the Conditions section).

Client - an organization that has contacted the partner to purchase a license for ModPlus software.


ModPlus is a modular software that is an addition to CAD software, such as AutoCAD, Revit, etc.

ModPlus contains both free and partially paid plugins. To use partially paid plugins in full, you must purchase a license.


There are three types of license:

  1. Single-user license for certain paid plugins included in ModPlus. The license is valid for the entire period of use of the supported product (AutoCAD, Revit, etc.) of the version for which the license is purchased.
  2. Single-user license for all paid ModPlus plugins (subscription). A single-user license option is available that applies only to a specific supported product (AutoCAD, Revit, etc.). License term-3, 6, 12 months.
  3. Corporate (multi-user) license for all paid ModPlus plugins (subscription). An enterprise (multi-user) license option is available that applies only to a specific supported product (AutoCAD, Revit, etc.). The number of workplaces using the license is determined by the Client and must be reported to the distributor. The license is valid for 3, 6, 12 months. The work of the corporate (multi-user) license is carried out through the license server.

The first two types of licensing are tied directly to the user's account and therefore cannot be delivered through partners!


1. Partners are granted a permanent 30% discount on ModPlus realization, provided that information about the ModPlus product is placed on the partner's website.

An archive with various ModPlus logo designs is available at the link. The archive also includes the logo in Adobe Illustrator format. The descriptive part is not provided and must be developed by the partner himself!

2. Partners are granted an additional 20% discount (50% in total) if the partner provides materials confirming one-time events, thanks to which the end user (client) purchased a license. Such events may include: mailings, webinars, advertising in social networks, etc.

Additional discount is provided by applying a special promo code to the partner's order with the subsequent adjustment of the invoice, in connection with which the materials must be provided at the same time with the order. Additional discount is not available during holiday sales!

3. Partners are granted a permanent 50% discount (if the conditions of clause 1 are met) if the partner is engaged in BIM-Consulting (BIM training, introduction and/or promotion) and refers to ModPlus software in their materials (demonstration of plugins operation, recommendation to use ModPlus, etc.).


The basic retail cost of subscriptions depending on the period and supported product is presented in the reference page.


License Server - a tool that allows you to use a corporate (multi-user) subscription.

There are two types of license server - working on the local network (LAN License Server) and working on the Internet (Web License Server).

Before the distributor can make a license purchase, he must check with the client what type of license server the client will use.

Stages of implementation vary depending on the license server selected.

You can see the differences between the license servers on the comparison page.


  1. A license agreement is concluded between ModPlus and the distributor
  2. The partner registers the organization's account on the website and reports the account details.
  3. Partner's account is transferred to the "Distributors" group (30% discount) if clause 1 of the Conditions is fulfilled or to the "BIM-Consulting" group (50% discount) if clause 3 of the Conditions is fulfilled.


Implementation stages are possible only after the first two points of the interaction stages have been completed and information has been received from the client on the number of jobs for the type of license server!


  1. A customer who wants to purchase a multi-user subscription must install the LAN License Server on a server or any other regular computer in their organization (see the LAN License Server page for details).
  2. The customer tells the partner which multi-user subscription option he needs (AutoCAD, Revit or all ModPlus; 3, 6 or 12 months), the desired start date of the subscription period, and the number of workplaces. All variants of the multi-user license can be found on the corresponding page of the store.
  3. The client transfers to the partner the registration key obtained in the LAN License Server (more details are described on the LAN License Server page).
  4. The partner creates an order on the website with the specified data. The cost of a multi-user subscription for partners is already displayed with a discount.
    The following screenshot shows an example of ordering a multi-user subscription to all paid ModPlus software plugins, distributed only to a supported product - Autodesk Revit version 2019 and higher using the LAN License Server.
    The number of workplaces is 10.
    The start date of the subscription period is 10.08.2023.
    Registration key - aA11bB22cC33dD44eE55fF66gG77=
  5. In the cart the partner chooses the payment option Cryptocurrency and clicks Checkout
  6. After paying for the order, the partner receives an informational email with the data of the order with the Paid status and the multi-user subscription activation key. The emails come from This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. The subscription activation key is stored in your account and is available at any time
  7. The partner sends to the client the received activation key with which the client activates the purchased license in the LAN License Server

Stages of implementation when using the Web License Server

  1. A client who wishes to purchase a multi-user subscription must register an account on for the subsequent possibility of administering the license server.
  2. The customer tells the partner which multi-user subscription option he needs (AutoCAD, Revit or all ModPlus; 3, 6 or 12 months), the desired start date of the subscription period, and the number of workplaces. All variants of the multi-user license can be found on the corresponding page of the store.
  3. The partner creates an order on the site with the specified data. The cost of a multi-user subscription for partners is already displayed with a discount. The following screenshot shows an example of ordering a multi-user subscription for all paid plugins of ModPlus software, distributed only on a supported product - Autodesk Revit version 2019 and higher using the Web License Server.
    Number of workplaces - 10.
    The start date of the subscription period is August 10, 2023.
  4. When you go to the cart, the partner selects the Cryptocurrency payment option and clicks Checkout
  5. After paying for the order, the partner receives an informational email with the data of the order with the Paid status and link to go to the Web License Server. The emails come from This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  6. In the partner’s personal account, in the list of orders of the purchased license, the button Transfer will appear:

In the dialog that appears, specify the email address of the client account (see section 1)


ModPlus 2015-2025