Adding numbering to the specified parameter of elements with the possibility of numbering in the schedules
When working in a non-schedule view, you can specify the direction of numbering based on the arrangement of elements, or add numbering in the order in which elements were created. When working in a schedule, the plugin adds numbering in the order of items in the schedule (taking into account sorting). The schedule property "Itemized every instance " affects the speed of the plugin. It is possible to set the prefix and suffix for the number
Related news and articles
- New plugin for Revit: Order marking
- Revit. Numbering 3.0
- Revit. Numbering. New schedule numbering algorithm
- Revit. Numbering. Two algorithms for numbering in schedules
- Revit. Numbering 5.0
- Revit. Numbering 6.0. Configurations, grouping by parameter and other features
Launching on schedule view
The plugin window consists of two groups – configuration and numbering setup:
In the upper part of the plugin window there is a drop-down list of configurations, to the right of which the following buttons are available:
– create new configuration
– edit current configuration name
– delete current configuration.
The lower part of the plugin window is occupied by the numbering settings:
Initial value – the initial value from which the numbering will be performed. Depending on the data type of the target parameter, the initial value can be either a number or a letter.
The initial number can be either integer or fractional, positive or negative, and you can add leading zeros to it. The detailed characteristics of the initial value are described in the plugin window.
When you specify a letter as the initial value, the alphabet selection button becomes available, allowing you to select the following languages: Russian, English, Ukrainian, as well as Custom alphabet. When selecting a custom alphabet, you should specify its value in a special window:
Custom alphabet can be either entered manually or inserted and edited alphabet of one of the three available languages.
Step - the value of the incremental numbering, can be either integer or fractional.
Target parameter – the parameter to which the number will be written. The plugin can only process parameters that contain a string and a numeric value. If the parameter is a numeric parameter, "123" will be indicated to the right of its name, and only numeric numbering can be used for such parameters. If the parameter has a string data type, "Aa" will be specified, in which case both numeric and alphabetic numbering can be used.
Numbering direction – indication of direction for numbering - Ascending or Descending.
If the Target parameter has a string data type, the option to add prefix and suffix to the numbers being created becomes available.
Prefix and Suffix from string/parameter - select the way to set the prefix/suffix for the number. When selecting from a string, the values are entered manually in the corresponding fields. When selecting from a parameter, the drop-down lists of parameters appear, as well as fields where you can enter the separator character:
Prefix/Suffix – sets the prefix and/or suffix for the number.
If the "Itemized every instance" property is enabled in schedule settings, the list will contain only instance parameters. If the “Itemized every instance” property is disabled, the list will contain both instance and type parameters.
Grouping by parameter: – option that allows to number elements according to their grouping by the value of the specified parameter.
Four options of Grouping behavior are possible:
- Numbering in each group – elements in each group are numbered within the group according to the specified numbering settings
- One number per group – all elements belonging to the same group are assigned the same group number. Groups are numbered according to the specified numbering settings
- Through numbering with sorting by parameter (ascending) – elements are sorted by ascending value of the grouping parameter and numbered according to the specified numbering settings
- Through numbering with sorting by parameter (descending) – elements are sorted by descending value of the grouping parameter and numbered according to the specified numbering settings
If the "Itemized every instance" property is disabled in the specification settings, grouping by the parameter will not be available, because in this case the elements are already grouped.
For example, let's fill in the value of the "Mark" parameter of the elements by grouping them by parameter "Length". In all variants the initial value and step are equal to "1", the numbering direction is "Ascending":
- Numbering in each group
- One number per group
- Through numbering with sorting by parameter (ascending)
- Through numbering with sorting by parameter (descending)
If lines in the specification were selected before running the plugin, the Number only selected rows option will be available at the bottom of the window, when enabled, the numbering will be performed only for the elements from the selected lines.
Execute – performs numbering according to the settings.
Clear – clears the specified parameter in all schedule elements.
The parameter is cleared for all elements of this schedule, regardless of the filtering settings. This means that if, for example, 10 columns are presented in the schedule, and only 5 columns are displayed in the filter settings, then the parameter will be cleared for all 10 columns!
The plugin window consists of three groups - configuration, elements selection and numbering setting:
In the upper part of the plugin window there is a drop-down list of configurations, to the right of which the following buttons are available:
– create new configuration
– edit current configuration name
– delete current configuration.
First of all, it is necessary to configure the selection and select elements for subsequent numbering:
Selection variant – variant for selecting elements in the current view:
- Standard frame selection – selection of elements in the current view with a frame with confirmation of the selection by pressing the "Finish" button. With this option, the numbering direction has ten options – in the order of creation and by the position of the elements.
- Ordinal selection – selects each element for numbering in the order in which the numbering will be performed. With this option, the direction of numbering can be ascending or descending. Completion of the selection is invoked by pressing the Esc key.
- Curve intersection – select a curve (model line or detail line must be previously drawn on the current view). The elements for numbering will be selected by finding the intersection of the curve with the geometry of the elements in the current view, projected onto the plane of the view. With this option, the direction of numbering can be ascending or descending.
Elements to be numbered can be filtered using Elements filter
. You can specify both the element categories and the parameters by which the elements will be selected.
Select - selects elements in the current view, depending on the selected selection variant.
After pressing the Select button and selecting elements, Selected elements count: n will be displayed and the numbering settings will become available.
Target parameter – the parameter to which the number will be written. The plugin can only process parameters that contain a string and a numeric value. The list is filled only with the parameters that each selected element has (the check is performed by the parameter name). If the parameter is a numeric parameter, "123" will be indicated to the right of its name, and only numeric numbering can be used for such parameters. If the parameter has a string data type, "Aa" will be specified, in which case both numeric and alphabetic numbering can be used.
Initial value – the initial value from which the numbering will be performed. Depending on the data type of the target parameter, the initial value can be either a number or a letter. The initial number can be either integer or fractional, positive or negative, and you can add leading zeros to it (you can read more about this in the plugin window).
When you specify a letter as the initial value, the alphabet selection button becomes available, allowing you to select the following languages: Russian, English, Ukrainian, and Custom alphabet.
Step - the value of the incremental numbering, can be either integer or fractional.
Numbering direction - indication of the direction for numbering depending on the elements selection variant.
If the Target parameter has a string data type, the option to add prefix and suffix to the numbers being created becomes available.
Prefix and Suffix from string/parameter - select the way to set the prefix/suffix for the number. When selecting from a string, the values are entered manually in the corresponding fields. When selecting from a parameter, the drop-down lists of parameters appear, as well as fields where you can enter the separator character:
Prefix/Suffix – sets the prefix and/or suffix for the number.
Grouping by parameter: – option that allows to number elements according to their grouping by the value of the specified parameter.
Two options of Grouping behavior are possible:
- Numbering in each group – elements of each group are numbered within the group according to the specified initial value and step, the same for all groups
- One number per group – all elements belonging to the same group are assigned the same group number. Groups are numbered in ascending or descending order according to the Numbering direction
- Through numbering with sorting by parameter (ascending) – elements are sorted by ascending value of the grouping parameter and numbered according to the specified numbering settings
- Through numbering with sorting by parameter (descending) – elements are sorted by descending value of the grouping parameter and numbered according to the specified numbering settings
Execute – performs numbering according to the settings.
Clear – clears the specified parameter in all selected elements.
If the element in the group, then the check for the option to change the parameter without ungrouping. Parameter will change without ungrouping, if:
- this is the system parameter "Mark"
- this is a Shared project parameter with the "Values can vary by group instances" property enabled
- this is type parameter
Change history forYear
2025 Year
Revit: Numbering (28.02.2025)
FixFixed a bug where Key Schedule elements might not be processed when numbering a numeric parameter.Revit: Numbering (26.02.2025)
FixFix some bugs.2024 Year
Revit: Numbering (29.11.2024)
ImprovedOptimized algorithm for collecting parameters available for processing when running the plugin on a view.Revit: Numbering (02.09.2024)
ImprovedAdded processing of level coordinates by the geometric mean point of the describing rectangle on the current view.Revit: Numbering (26.06.2024)
FixFix some bugs.Revit: Numbering (11.06.2024)
ImprovedAdded processing of coordinates by geometric midpoint for Filled Region.Revit: Numbering (03.05.2024)
FixFix some bugs.Revit: Numbering (03.05.2024)
ImprovedAdded processing of groups when numbering by curve.FixFixed a bug where multiple copies of the plugin could be run.Revit: Numbering (02.05.2024)
ImprovedRemoved restriction on group selection when numbering on a view.Revit: Numbering (15.04.2024)
ImprovedCorrect processing of a Schedule parameter that used in grouping.Revit: Numbering (01.03.2024)
ImprovedAdded getting sorting point for tags.Revit: Numbering (21.02.2024) Read more
NewConfigurations.NewAlphabetic numbering.NewNew sorting algorithm on views.NewGrouping by parameter.NewPossibility to deselect an element in an ordinal selection.Revit: Numbering (13.02.2024)
FixCorrect processing of viewport positions.2023 Year
Revit: Numbering (21.12.2023)
FixFix some bugs.Revit: Numbering (08.11.2023)
ImprovedUsing the ModPlus.Xaml.Behaviors.Wpf.dll library instead of Microsoft.Xaml.Behaviors.dll to resolve compatibility issues with other plugins.Revit: Numbering (21.08.2023)
ImprovedConsideration of sorting when processing grouped schedules.Revit: Numbering (20.08.2023)
ImprovedSome improvements were made to the algorithm for processing grouped schedules.Revit: Numbering (30.03.2023)
ImprovedMinimum allowed value for step is reduced to 0.0001.FixCorrect number format in case of filling the string parameter, the initial value is integer and the step is fractional.Revit: Numbering (07.02.2023)
FixFixed a numbering bug in the Schedule when an element has two parameters with the same target name.Revit: Numbering (27.01.2023)
ImprovedImprovements were made to the algorithm for finding the intersection of elements with a curve.Revit: Numbering (10.01.2023)
FixFixed an issue where fractional numbers did not output zero after a dot (comma).2022 Year
Revit: Numbering (19.12.2022)
NewSeparator (dot or comma) specified in the initial value is taken into account when setting string parameters.ImprovedChanged icons.ImprovedAdded command access settings on the ribbon.Revit: Numbering (01.11.2022)
ImprovedMessage output in case of an attempt to set a value for a parameter with "Read-only" property when numbering in the Schedule.Revit: Numbering (14.10.2022)
ImprovedTaking into account cases where the target parameter is displayed several times in the schedule, which leads to double numbering.Revit: Numbering (11.10.2022)
FixFixed an error that occurs when working in the sheet schedule.Revit: Numbering (07.10.2022)
ImprovedMaterial processing in schedules.Revit: Numbering (04.10.2022)
FixFixed an error that occurs when numbering in schedules that contain analytics elements.Revit: Numbering (01.10.2022) Read more
NewAdded the ability to process elements that are in the Structural Connections, when numbering in the schedules.NewAdded possibility to set the prefix and suffix by element parameter.NewAdded possibility to specify a numbering step.NewAdded possibility to use fractional values for numbering.ImprovedUsing a category and/or parameter filter for numbering on a view.ImprovedRedesigned plugin windows.ImprovedAdded ability to stretch the settings window when numbering in the view.ImprovedSaving plugin settings in a separate file.ImprovedRemoved Revit 2017 support.Revit: Numbering (18.09.2022)
ImprovedSelection of the signal parameter, taking into account that the parameter can be used in the sorting of the schedule.Revit: Numbering (16.08.2022)
FixFixed a bug where integer parameters were not displayed in the parameter list in Revit versions 2022 and higher.Revit: Numbering (10.06.2022)
FixFixed a numbering error in schedules that occurs when a schedule has a field that combines several parameters, one of which is the target numbering parameter.Revit: Numbering (20.04.2022)
FixFix some bugs.Revit: Numbering (16.04.2022)
FixFix some bugs.Revit: Numbering (15.04.2022)
FixFixed an error occurring when numbering a parameter of type.Revit: Numbering (03.04.2022)
ImprovedImprovements to the numbering algorithm.Revit: Numbering (01.04.2022)
NewNumbering of selected rows is made through a checkbox.FixAdded ignoring of materials, which led to the skipping of items during the numbering in the schedule (in the case, when the material fields are added).FixA bug has been fixed, in which all elements in a schedule were numbered with the same value, in cases where sorting parameters were added without headers.Revit: Numbering (17.03.2022)
FixFix some bugs.Revit: Numbering (11.03.2022)
FixFixed an error in defining sorting fields in schedules, where sorting fields have no headers.Revit: Numbering (21.02.2022)
FixFixed a numbering error in schedules, in which the "Comments" parameter is used as a filter.Revit: Numbering (18.02.2022)
NewNew algorithm for numbering in schedules with "Itemized" unchecked.Revit: Numbering (17.02.2022)
FixFixed a bug where the dropdown list of parameter selection was not active when there were pre-selected elements.Revit: Numbering (07.02.2022)
FixFixed a bug that made it impossible to specify a new numbering start value when deleting the old one.Revit: Numbering (06.02.2022)
NewAdded possibility to number selected rows in the schedule.ImprovedAdded construction of auxiliary detail lines during order selection (only on plans).ImprovedChanged the order of window elements when numbering in views.2021 Year
Revit: Numbering (08.11.2021)
NewAdded new numbering direction options on the view.Revit: Numbering (05.11.2021) Read more
NewIn schedules with unchecked "Itemized" option added ability to select an algorithm for determining positions.ImprovedAdded processing of Grids when determining the position of elements in the view.Revit: Numbering (29.10.2021)
ImprovedAdded ability to process levels in Schedules.Revit: Numbering (19.10.2021)
FixFixed an error that occurs during filtering of elements when the element has no category.Revit: Numbering (12.10.2021)
ImprovedExtended the list of filtering categories.ImprovedRead-only parameters are excluded from the selected items when filling the list of parameters.Revit: Numbering (24.09.2021)
NewAdded possibility to specify a negative initial numbering value.Revit: Numbering (05.07.2021)
NewAdded possibility to specify the initial numbering value with leading zeros (001, 002, ..., 00N).Revit: Numbering (20.05.2021)
ImprovedAdjustments were made to the algorithm for collecting parameters in the schedule.Revit: Numbering (10.05.2021)
ImprovedExclusion of linked file instances from processing when collecting parameters in the schedule.Revit: Numbering (10.04.2021)
FixFix bug "The referenced object is not valid, possibly because it has been deleted from the database, or its creation was undone".Revit: Numbering (06.04.2021)
FixFix some bugs.Revit: Numbering (04.04.2021) Read more
NewNew algorithm for numbering schedules with unchecked "Itemized every instance ".Revit: Numbering (02.03.2021)
ImprovedAdded the ability to process view parameters in schedules.Revit: Numbering (06.01.2021)
NewAdded options for selecting elements in the view: standard selection by frame, ordinal selection and selection by curve.NewAdded filtering of items by category when selecting items in a view.NewAdded collection of parameters from selected elements and displaying them in the list.NewWhen working in a view, the plugin window does not block Revit.ImprovedVarious fixes and improvements.2020 Year
Revit: Numbering (07.11.2020)
ImprovedService update.Revit: Numbering (05.09.2020)
ImprovedReturned function to clear parameter in schedules with warning display.Revit: Numbering (31.08.2020)
ImprovedRemoved the "Clear" button when working in schedules.Revit: Numbering (08.08.2020)
FixFixed incorrect numbering in descending order.Revit: Numbering (08.08.2020)
ImprovedChanged name and description.Revit: Numbering (01.05.2020)
NewAdded the ability to number the numeric parameters in the schedules.ImprovedWhen numbering in a model of processing eliminated the group as the elements for numbering.ImprovedWhen writing values to the parameter element in the group, added additional check if the parameter is a type parameter. If it is, then the new value is written to the parameter.ImprovedOptimized some algorithms.2019 Year
Revit: Numbering (13.10.2019)
Added check parameter properties "read-Only" before writing new values.Revit: Numbering (07.09.2019)
Added an indication of whether the selected parameter instance or type parameter.Fixed some bugs.Revit: Numbering (04.09.2019)
Added the ability to fill in the parameters of type for schedules with the unchecked "Itemized every instance".Revit: Numbering (26.07.2019)
Replaced the method of elements selection on non-schedule views - selection picking elements instead of the select by frame.Some changes have been made to the processing parameters of elements located in groups.Revit: Numbering (22.07.2019)
Fixed a display problem in the drop-down list of parameters whose names contain underscores.Added saving of the selected parameter in the schedule.Added the ability to number elements in groups.Revit: Numbering (16.07.2019)
Added the ability to order marking is schedules with unchecked "Itemize every instance".Revit: Numbering (13.02.2019)
Fixed an error where the function ceased to work in the schedules.Revit: Numbering (12.02.2019)
Minor bugs fixed.Revit: Numbering (11.02.2019)
Fixed bug when working with the schedluse that displays data by View Sheets.Revit: Numbering (04.02.2019)
Fixed some bugs.Revit: Numbering (04.02.2019)
Fixed bug of functions in schedules, in which there is a hidden field "Comment" used by function.Revit: Numbering (12.01.2019)
Added handling pre-selection.2018 Year
Revit: Numbering (23.12.2018)
Added ability to specify initial value.Added the ability to specify the parameter to be written to a numbered mark.Added the possibility to specify the numbering order.Added a restriction - function does not work in the specifications, in the properties of the sort which removed the tick "Itemized every instance". - Комментарии для сайта Cackle