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Revit. Reinforcement. New algorithms of reinforcement creation, settings storage and other new features

Introducing the biggest update to all four plugins for creating reinforcement in Revit!


This update includes:

  • Completely redesigned rebar creation algorithms
  • Integration of rebar shapes into rebar settings
  • Changing the licensing principle
  • Settings storage
  • Many new features, changes and fixes

Read more about all the changes below.

General part

First, let's tell you a little about the inner kitchen - the code of these plugins. As you may have noticed, all plugins are very similar to each other externally. They are also similar to each other internally, but they were made all separately. So one of the most important, global and complex changes in this release is to consolidate the code into one solution, taking out as much repetitive code as possible into a separate project. And now, if we fix a bug or make changes to a common part of the code, the changes will be made in all plugins at once.

In the process of merging the code and testing the result, we found out empirically how to create rebars with the specified shapes better and more correctly. Previously used method did not give a hundred percent guarantee that it would work, that's why there were preferred shapes in the plugin. But now the specified shapes, if they are applicable in principle, are set guaranteed! And what's more - we found a solution for cases when armature sets with some shapes were created in the wrong direction. And we have even solved the problem of hooks turning the wrong way for almost all basic shapes. The exception is the C-shape - it can in some cases be created with hooks turned the wrong way.

As you may have already guessed - there will be no preferred form settings now. We often received questions from users like "How do I specify this shape?" and realized that many users do not pay attention to the small button in the upper right corner of the plugin window. That's why we completely removed the preferred shape settings and integrated the shape selection directly into the reinforcement settings. Now in each group of settings, responsible for a certain type of created rebar, you will see the following control element:

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In this control, you can set the shape and/or hook for each type of reinforcement to be created. I.e., for example, when creating vertical reinforcement in walls, this reinforcement can be bent into an L-shape. Therefore, for vertical reinforcement you can set the shape for both straight bars and L-shaped bars.

In all plugins where it was possible to group selected elements, the ability to create groups and move elements between groups was removed. This feature was unnecessary and only complicated the perception of already complicated plugins.

And another new feature added to all plugins is the settings storage. Now when saving and loading you will see the storage dialog with the list of available settings:

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Saved settings can now be given a description displayed in the storage dialogs. At the same time, the ability to export to a file and import from a file remains available as before. All storage settings will be saved in a single location - UserData/ReinforcementStorage.

The ability to edit default reinforcement settings has been removed from the settings of all plugins. The "Save by default" button was and still is available for all settings, and editing the settings in a separate window did nothing but complicate development.

And while we're on the subject of settings - we tried to make all changes in such a way that backward compatibility is preserved. That is, your old saved settings should be imported without errors. But let's be honest - we didn't check this.

The licensing principles have also been changed. Previously, we limited the possibilities of plugins - you could not create a certain type of reinforcement in a limited version of a plugin. Or, for example, you could not add more than one detail of transverse reinforcement in columns and beams. Such restrictions were inconvenient for us, as they all had to be somehow taken into account in the UI and were not obvious to users (some restrictions were found out after the settings when trying to create reinforcement). That's why we decided to apply a time limitation in reinforcement plugins - 30 days the plugin is fully available, and then a license is needed.

In general, many small changes in UI were made for all plugins, optimized work with dark design themes, and fixed a lot of bugs in various algorithms. And some algorithms were rewritten altogether. We will not describe it all.

And most importantly, all the changes made, all the new features - everything has been tested!

Now let's tell you about the new features in each plugin:

Walls reinforcement

The button for selecting underlying slabs has been removed. Now underlying slabs are automatically detected when selecting walls. Slabs located in linked files will also be taken into account.

Added buttons to the slab list to display the slab or contiguous walls in the model.

Added accounting for slabs from linked files when creating joints.

Added processing of openings created in the wall sketch:


Added grouping of openings by source parameter.

Added ability to place stirrup and U-bars in opening framing with step of background reinforcement:


Added option to apply a protective layer from the ends of the reinforcement to the bottom of the wall:


Added possibility to create U-shaped bars instead of horizontal reinforcement:


Added possibility to specify thickening of horizontal reinforcement in the upper zone of the wall:


Slabs reinforcement

Completely rewritten the algorithm for forming line segments to create background reinforcement with individual bars, taking into account all faces of the slab. The background reinforcement is now created in such a way that the specified indentation from each face of the slab is maintained:


Added additional step allowance at the edge of the slab when creating U-shaped bars at the ends. Previously, U-shaped bars at the edge of the slab were created incorrectly if there was an extra step in place.

Added option not to cut U-bars with the solid of the slab.

Protective layer settings (reset to zero or set from reinforcement settings) moved to the reinforcement settings of each slab.

Columns reinforcement

Added ability to select the type (longitudinal or transverse) of the created reinforcement.

Added possibility to create longitudinal reinforcement with individual bars (not to combine into sets of rebars).

Added possibility to set the protective layer based on the reinforcement settings.

Redesign of the list of transverse reinforcement details - the buttons for displacement, change girth and delete details have been moved to each position in the list:

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Added possibility to create an odd number of working reinforcement bars in round columns:

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Added possibility to specify the direction of bending of longitudinally bent joints ("in the bottle"):


Beams reinforcement

Added possibility to select the type (longitudinal, transverse or intersection reinforcement) of the created reinforcement.

Redesign of the list of transverse reinforcement details - the buttons for displacement, change girth and delete details have been moved to each position in the list. Similar to Columns reinforcement.

Added option to set a different diameter in the top row:

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Added consideration of longitudinal underlying walls (pylons) when creating transverse reinforcement, as well as the ability to disable the creation of transverse reinforcement over underlying columns and walls.

Added the ability to create details at beam intersections. Similar to Walls reinforcement:

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At first glance, it may seem that not many new features have been added. And if you count the number of new features, mathematically it is. And there are reasons for that:

First of all, the most important and the main change in the current release is the merging of projects with the removal of common code, a new algorithm for creating rebars and the integration of form selection directly into the reinforcement settings. Moreover, it was done at the third attempt! That is, the work on integration of the selection of forms started, reached some point where it became clear that the adopted option is not suitable, everything was rolled back and started again!

Secondly - these are the most complex plugins in ModPlus. Especially Walls Reinforcement. Every new added option or every small change in the existing algorithm affects all other parts of the plugin. After all, all settings are closely interconnected!

Thirdly - this work was started back in April, and it will be released in early August. And this is an unacceptable luxury, as we have a lot of tasks for other plugins. Therefore, it is simply unacceptable to delay the development for a longer period of time.

Yes, we still have a lot of unrealized tasks of different levels of complexity left in our taskbook. And new ones will definitely appear. And we also need new plugins, which are missing. For example, for reinforcing stairs. But the reality is that development in each direction has to be done piecemeal. We will try to realize some tasks gradually, without combining them into one big development project.

Enjoy your work with ModPlus!

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