Revit. Type manager. Comparison of multiple documents

Published: 15 May 2024

In the new version of the Type Manager plugin, comparison of type parameters of types from several documents is now available:

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And also on the "Current model" tab it is now possible to:

  • Save the list of selected columns (saved automatically)
  • Select several categories for filtering
  • Select all type instances in the model and copy their identifiers to the clipboard.
  • Edit the type name
  • Change the "Workset" parameter

Enjoy your work with ModPlus!


Renga. Batch Sheets Export 2.0. Export by sections, pdf merge and sheet sets

Published: 07 May 2024
We present you a new version of plugin for Renga Batch Sheets Export version 2.0!

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Now the plugin allows you to:

  • export sheets by sections
  • merge pdf
  • drag and drop sheets in a list
  • use sheet sets

Below we described these new features


Revit. Dim offset 6.0. Determining the position relative to the element

Published: 03 May 2024

Revit API does not allow us to define the position of a dimension relative to an element. That is, when we see that a dimension is conditionally to the left (top) or conditionally to the right (bottom) of an element, there is no way to define this in code. This limitation resulted in dimensions placed conditionally to the left (top) being processed correctly by the plugin, while those placed conditionally to the right (bottom) were not.

We are pleased to announce that in the new version of the Dim offset plugin we have developed an experimental algorithm that allows us to determine the necessary position of the dimension relative to the element and perform text offsetting more correctly:

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Since the algorithm is experimental, it may not always work correctly. This will not cause errors - the offset will simply work as before. If you encounter such a case, be sure to describe it to us in the support chat.

Also in the new version we have added a separate "Offset selected" command, processing of pre-selected dimensions and changed the direction of text offset for some cases!

Enjoy your work with ModPlus!


New plugin for Revit. MEP Copy

Published: 15 April 2024
We are pleased to introduce a new plugin in the Engineering Plugins collection - MEP copy!

Similar to other plugins in the engineering plugin lineup, the new plugin is also a collection of commands that in some way allow you to copy engineering systems or elements of engineering systems. At the time of release, the plugin has two commands:

  • Copy by Levels - Copying MEP elements with alignment to selected levels
  • Copy vertically - Copying MEP elements vertically by distance

We have demonstrated the work of the new plugin in our new video:

If you have any ideas about what and how else to copy when working with engineering systems, we are waiting for you in our support chat!

Enjoy your work with ModPlus!


Revit 2025

Published: 03 April 2024



ModPlus 2015-2024