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Search and replace


Search and replace

It's a free plugin!

  • Search and replace text in specified search scopes


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    The plugin is used to search for and replace text in selected scopes, including text in type and instance parameters. The plugin also allows you to:

    • copy to the clipboard ids of elements with found text;
    • display the elements on the screen.


    In the left part of the plugin window you can see a list of search areas. You have to check the scopes in which you want to search and replace the text. Using the buttons on the left side of the list you can check all items in the list checkbox multiple marked circle outline and uncheck all checked scopes checkbox multiple blank circle outline.

    In the upper right part of the plugin window you can find the search settings and search and replace buttons:

    fields to fill in

    Find – field for entering the value you're looking for.
    Replace with – field for entering the value to be replaced.

    additional options checkboxes

    Case sensitive – option for uppercase or lowercase search.
    Whole Word – option to search for values that are not part of other words.
    Regular expression – option for processing the search value as a regular expression. Regular expressions are patterns used to match character sequences in strings.
    Search by selected elements – searches by the model elements selected at the time the plugin is run.

    startup buttons

    Search all – searches the specified search areas with the specified settings and displays the result in the search window (see below). The button will not be available if no value is specified in the Find field or no search area is selected.
    Replace checked – replaces the marked search results. The button will not be available if the Replace with field is not filled or there are no marked items in the search results.
    Search and replace all – searches the specified search areas with the specified settings and replaces all found values. Herewith the search results are not displayed. The button is not available if no values are specified in the Find and Replace with fields.

    The search results are displayed in the lower right part of the plugin window. Each result position has a header indicating the model element, as well as the text in which the search was performed, with the found value highlighted. To perform the Replace checked function, you need to check the checkboxes next to the desired positions.

    During the work with the search results you can use buttons:

    checkbox multiple marked circle outline – check all items in the list.
    checkbox multiple blank circle outline – uncheck all items in the list.
    broom – clear the result list.

    When hovering the cursor over the line with the search result, buttons appear on the right side of the line:

    identifier – copy element ID to clipboard.
    target – display element.


    When you select the search area by parameter, the upper right part of the plugin's window adds the parameter search settings.

    Element – filter for search elements, consisting of filter by category, boolean operator AND/OR, and filter by parameters (you can read more about working with the elements filter here).

    Parameter – field where you specify the name, system name, or GUID of the parameter. If you do not fill the Parameter field, the search will be performed for all string parameters available for editing.

    The results of the parameter search are displayed in the lower right part of the plugin window. Each result position has a header indicating the parameter, as well as the text in which the search was performed, with the found value highlighted.

    For example, you need to find all door marks "D-1" on the 1st and 2nd floors and replace them with "D-2". Select the search area "Instance parameters in project":


    Configure the elements filter by category:


    Select the "AND" option of the logical operator. Configure the filter by parameters:


    Fill in the fields Parameter, Find and Replace with:


    Press the Search and replace all button.


  • Change history for

    2024 Year

    Revit: Search and replace (25.12.2024)

    Replaced the search and replace algorithm in Text Notes.

    Revit: Search and replace (11.10.2024)

    Consideration of selected element types when the “By selected elements” option is enabled.

    Revit: Search and replace (12.09.2024)

    Added “Check all” and “Uncheck all” options.
    Added search in Schedules name and headers.
    Fixed a search error with the "Whole Word" option enabled.

    Revit: Search and replace (17.06.2024)

    Added ability to process Text Annotations using regular expressions.

    Revit: Search and replace (14.01.2024)

    Added a check that the plugin window is already open.

    2023 Year

    Revit: Search and replace (10.11.2023)

    Using the ModPlus.Xaml.Behaviors.Wpf.dll library instead of Microsoft.Xaml.Behaviors.dll to resolve compatibility issues with other plugins.

    Revit: Search and replace (17.05.2023)

    Added search and replace in material names.

    Revit: Search and replace (19.02.2023)  Read more

    Added search and replace in parameters.
    Added search and replace in generic annotations.
    Added search and replacement in viewport view name.
    Added search and replace in sheet number.
    Added an ability to copy element identifier to clipboard.
    Added ability to call the element display function.
    Save search settings.
    Moved focus to the plugin window after closing the results window.

    Revit: Search and replace (08.01.2023)

    Changed icons.
    Added command access settings on the ribbon.

    2022 Year

    Revit: Search and replace (09.06.2022)

    Setting the Revit window as the parent window for the results window.

    Revit: Search and replace (02.06.2022)

    Added the ability to search among the selected elements.
    Added the ability to replace with an empty value.
    Fixed the error of displaying quotes in search results.

    Revit: Search and replace (25.03.2022)

    Added "Viewport title" search scope.

    Revit: Search and replace (11.03.2022)

    Added ability to turn off the "Regular expression" mode.
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