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6.60 USD
  • Plugin for the formation and filling of general specifications

    Call options

    • ModPlus menu
    • ModPlus palette
    • AutoCAD ribbon
    • Command line: _mpSpecifications


    32x32px 16x16px dark 32x32px dark 16x16px


    Plugin allows you to add items to the context menu of AutoCAD, allowing you to expand the ability to work with the specifications:
    Context menu for tables: Add product from the database - allows you to add products from the plugin database directly into the AutoCAD table;
    Context menu for blocks: Add/change attributes for the specification - allows you to add attributes to the blocks for the specification (see details in the help)

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    The upper part of the window contains elements for managing the current specification or loading previously saved.Drop-down list to select a specification allows you to load a previously saved specification.

    Only for the current file - when this check box is checked, only specifications saved in the current drawing will be displayed in the list of specifications

    Save - Saving the current specification for later use. Attention! Specification is saved once. Then all changes will be saved automatically! After you save the specification (or select a previously saved one), the save button will be replaced by the following buttons:

    3 - delete current specification. Attention! Specification is permanently deleted
    4 - creating a new (empty) specification

    Plugin window will look like this:


    Next are the elements for adding items to the current specification and editing them.:

    Drop-down list

    - list contains three options for the specification item.:
    Add from base- adding a position from the database to the specification
    Add subsection - adding a subsection description to the specification
    Manual input - adding a manually filled position


    - Opens a window for adding a position, according to the selected option in the drop-down list:

    Add from base:

    This window is very similar to the main window of the plugin Product insert.

    Add subsection:


    In the window you can select standard values from the list or enter your own value

    Manual input:


    When you check the Steel box, the window will take the following form:


    5 - при выбранной позиции в спецификации открывает окно редактирования по аналогии с кнопкой добавления
    6 - Add drawing objects that are ModPlus products to the current specification. Such objects include blocks created by the plugin Product insert, entities with extended data describing products/materials, and blocks that have special attributes for specification.
    Rounding mass - rounding (number of decimal places) for fractional mass values in the current specification

    To move the positions in the specification, hover the mouse over the selected position, and by holding the left mouse button move the selected position by hovering over the bottom edge of the position below or any selected edge. In this way it is possible to move positions downwards. For upward moves all actions are the same, but the pointing should be on the top edge of the position above.

    close (red) - Delete the selected position (irretrievable!). This icon appears when you hover over the selected specification.

    Attention! You can change the values of Position, Count и Notes directly in the table!

    Below are the output options for the current specification:

    Fill table - select an AutoCAD table to populate with its current specification. Works similar to the plugin Products to table

    Insert table - insert in AutoCAD the current specification in the form of a table. The table view is selected in the drop-down list next to the button


    Plugin settings are opened with the corresponding button in the upper right corner of the window:


    Context menu for tables: Add product from the database - allows you to add products from the database directly to the AutoCAD table

    Context menu for blocks: Add/change attributes for specification - allows you to add attributes for specification to blocks (see below)

    Settings for tables are similar to settings in the plugin Tables.

    Attributes for specification


    The item in the context menu MP: Attributes for the specification МР:Атрибуты для спецификации appears in the menu for blocks. When you click on this item, a window appears similar to manually entering values into the specification.:


    If the block already contains attributes for the specification, the window will be filled with values. By clicking on the Accept for the selected block, attributes for the specification will be added and filled:


    Attention! If Steel was checked when adding attributes, then the Name value is filled in under certain conditions. Therefore, it is not advisable to edit the value of this attribute through the properties palette (or the attribute editor). because this can lead to errors in the plugin processing blocks with attributes.

  • Change history for

    2024 Year

    AutoCAD: Specifications (18.11.2024)

    Correct addition of rows to the table taking into account the number of items in the specification (if the number of items is more than 3).
    Adding thickness to the bottom border of the table.
    Adding the specification name to the table header if the specification is saved.

    AutoCAD: Specifications (24.08.2024)

    Correct sorting of items when collecting data from a drawing.

    2023 Year

    AutoCAD: Specifications (08.11.2023)

    Using the ModPlus.Xaml.Behaviors.Wpf.dll library instead of Microsoft.Xaml.Behaviors.dll to resolve compatibility issues with other plugins.

    2022 Year

    AutoCAD: Specifications (30.06.2022)

    Adding attributes to all block inserts (without values) when adding attributes for a specification.

    AutoCAD: Specifications (13.03.2022)

    Fixed a bug in adding attributes for a specification.

    AutoCAD: Specifications (11.03.2022)

    Fixed an error that products that do not have table values were not processed.

    AutoCAD: Specifications (08.03.2022)  Read more

    Redesigning core code with support databases with an optimized codebase.

    2021 Year

    AutoCAD: Specifications (03.12.2021)

    Do not output a mass to the table if its value is 0.

    AutoCAD: Specifications (01.12.2021)

    Added the ability to insert new positions in the specified line.

    AutoCAD: Specifications (25.09.2021)

    Amended due to the replacement of title blocks according to GOST R 21.1101-2013 with title blocks according to GOST R 21.101-2020.

    2020 Year

    AutoCAD: Specifications (09.11.2020)

    Fixed "Field not found" error.

    AutoCAD: Specifications (05.05.2020)

    Corrections based on changes to the table file storage folder.

    AutoCAD: Specifications (29.03.2020)

    In the choice of products from the database drop-down list the document names prefixed with the short name of the product and added sorting documents in alphabetical order.

    AutoCAD: Specifications (26.02.2020)

    Fixed a bug with inserting tables with merged cells.
    Fixed bug adding items with missing properties "Position", "Count" and "Note".

    AutoCAD: Specifications (17.02.2020)

    Added the ability to insert new positions into the specification without closing the window for selecting items from the database or the manual input window.
    The error of changing the data of the edited position when setting the “Save entered dimension values” checkbox is fixed.

    2019 Year

    AutoCAD: Specifications (19.07.2019)

    Fixed problem adding not valid (empty name) text style to the list of text styles.

    2018 Year

    AutoCAD: Specifications (01.12.2018)

    ModPlusStyle styling.
    Added the unavailability of the item "Attributes for the specification" shortcut menu for the blocks, created by the function "Product insert".
    Fixed bug with conversion of length and height of the item when the edit item specifications loaded from an xml file (Requires Database upgrade). Only for specifications that was saved after updates.

    AutoCAD: Specifications (27.07.2018)

    Fixed steel record when filling out the specification in the AutoCAD table.

    AutoCAD: Specifications (16.06.2018)

    Changes are made in view of transfer of a folder of storage of the user settings.
    Replacement of the main icons of the function with the addition of icons for the dark AutoCAD ribbon design theme.

    AutoCAD: Specifications (25.04.2018)

    Added saving of the entered steel values.
    The problem of updating and downloading the 2013 version has been fixed.

    AutoCAD: Specifications (20.04.2018)

    Fixed bug when rounding the mass in the function window and filling in the tables.

    AutoCAD: Specifications (18.03.2018)

    Fixed a bug with filling in the tables if there are subsections in the specification.
    Fixed the problem of enabling / disabling context menus - now you do not need to restart AutoCAD.

    2017 Year

    AutoCAD: Specifications (14.10.2017)

    Fixed a fatal error when searching for products from a drawing.

    AutoCAD: Specifications (25.09.2017)

    Fixed the error "eNotOpenForWrite" when inserting a product into the table via the context menu.

    AutoCAD: Specifications (24.04.2017)

    Changes are made to keep the base tables in one file..

    Specifications (18.04.2017)

    Added the ability to stretch the window.
    Added the ability to specify the country according to the norms of which the specification table will be inserted.
    Added context menu for the "Attributes for specification" blocks, which allows adding attributes for the specification to arbitrary blocks.
    When specifying objects in the drawing, product blocks, extended data primitives and specification blocks are added to the specification..
    Some bugs fixed.

    2016 Year

    AutoCAD: Specifications (01.11.2016)

    Added the option of rounding the masses when you insert products into a table AutoCad.
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ModPlus 2015-2025