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Sheet numerator


Sheet numerator

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Old price: 0.00 USD
6.60 USD
  • Plugin allows to renumber sheets in the project


    32x32px 16x16px dark 32x32px dark 16x16px


    Renumbering of sheets is carried out within one group of sheets. You can display all sheets by analogy with the current settings of the project manager or display all sheets in one group. There is an opportunity to change the position of sheets by moving them in the group, while maintaining the initial numbering of sheets in this group

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    In the upper left part of the window there is a drop-down list with the option of displaying sheets:

    Display by groups – with this option, the list will be filled in by analogy with the project browser. Sheets will be placed in groups according to the browser organization settings.

    Display all – with this option, all sheets will be displayed in one group.

    reload – reload sheet list. The button becomes active if the sheets in the list have been moved, but the numbering has not been applied.

    Below is a field that displays the sheets in groups. Sheets in the list can be dragged with the mouse. You can drag sheets only within one group. When you select a list or group in the list, a preliminary renumbering will be automatically performed – the sheets will change the number according to the current renumbering settings. At the same time, a warning icon may appear to the left of the sheet alert box (red) that indicates that the number of this sheet, with the current renumbering settings, coincides with the number of another sheet. No renumbering possible

    If unchecked Enable move renumbering and at the same time move at least one sheet in the list, then a warning icon will appear at the bottom of the list alert (orange). This icon indicates that the position of the sheets in the list does not match the position of the sheets in the project browser. If this icon is displayed, it is not possible to enable the renumbering option by moving. The icon will disappear as soon as the renumbering with the current position of the sheets is applied

    Enable move renumbering – when this option is enabled, the possibility of renumbering sheets in the group by specified settings is disabled. If you move the sheet in the list of sheets, all the sheets in the group will be renumbered: the position of the sheets relative to each other will change, but the continuous numbering in the group will remain the same

    It was Moved It became
    • 01 – Initial view
    • 02 – Total information
    • 03 – Title
    Sheet Title moved to position between sheets Initial view and Total information
    • 01 – Initial view
    • 02 – Title
    • 03 – Total information

    Opposite to the sheet group name there is a button swap vertical (gray) – to perform batch renumbering by moving the sheets of the current group. Clicking it opens a window with a list of sheets in the group, in which you can select and move several sheets, using the Ctrl or Shift key. When the window closes, the sheets in the group will be renumbered.


    In the right part there are fields with re-numbering settings for the current group.

    Simple numbering settings for a group


    Prefix, Suffix – fields for specifying the prefix and suffix in the new sheet numbers, respectively.

    Numeric field – field to set the initial numbering number.

    If the checkbox in front of the numeric field is unchecked, the sheet number will not change, but you can set a Prefix and/or Suffix for the existing sheet number. 

    If the checkbox in front of the numeric field is checked, the sheets will be renumbered in full according to the settings.

    Length of the sheet number – field for adding leading zeros. How to choose the required length is described in the plugin window.



    Decrease or increase existing sheet numbers in the group by the value specified in the field.

    Extended numbering settings for group


    Add a prefix from a sheet parameter X – when checked, the selected sheet parameter X will be indicated as a prefix in the new sheet numbers.

    Part 1,2,3 – customizable part of the sheet number. New sheet numbers will be composed of parts and separators between parts. For each part, you can specify a prefix, suffix and number. 


    The settings for the number are displayed if you left-click in the number entry field:

    • Increment – if checked, the number will dynamically increase from the number specified in the field.
    • Decrement – when checked, the number will dynamically decrease starting from the number specified in the field.
    • Limit – the field where you should specify the upper limit – the number from which the numbing will start when it reaches zero.
    • Length of number – the field for adding leading zeros.

    Add a suffix from a sheet parameter X – when checked, the selected sheet parameter X will be specified as a suffix in new sheet numbers.

    Write the value of X in the parameter Y – when checking one of 7 possible values of X (all number, part value or part number value) will be written to the selected parameter of the sheet Y.

    Write number of sheets in the group to parameter X of first sheet/of all sheets – when checked, the number of sheets in the group will be written to the selected parameter X of only the first sheet or all sheets. 

    Numbering in the sheet name prefix – when checked, the numbering will be added to the sheet name prefix. The numbering setup is the same as described above for Part 1,2,3.

    Numbering in the sheet name suffix – when checked, numbering will be added to the sheet name suffix. The numbering setup is the same as described above for Part 1,2,3.

    General numbering settings

    Start numbering from selected sheet in the group – if the option is enabled, the preliminary renumbering will not be performed on all sheets in the group, but only starting from the selected sheet. The settings are applied to the group both when the entire group is selected in the list, and when a sheet is included in the list that is included in the group.

    undo variant – allows you to disable display of the preliminary renumbering for the current group.

    redo variant – allows you to enable display of the preliminary renumbering for the current group.

    Apply – allows you to commit changes to the numbering of sheets in the current project according to the settings for the numbering for the group.

  • Change history for

    2024 Year

    Revit: Sheet numerator (09.12.2024)

    Added grouping of sheets that are in assemblies.
    Rollback of intermediate changes in case of an unexpected error in move renumbering.

    Revit: Sheet numerator (11.09.2024)

    Selection of the current sheet in the tree when opening the plugin.

    Revit: Sheet numerator (10.09.2024)  Read more

    Added support for sheet collections in Revit 2025.
    Added the ability to rename a sheet.
    Added the ability to delete a sheet.
    Added the ability to not change the number in simple numbering, allowing only the Prefix and/or Suffix to be set to an existing sheet number.
    Added ability to insert non-printable characters in Prefix/Suffix during simple numbering.
    Added the ability to decrease or increase the number of sheets in a group by a specified value.
    Changed the licensing system (30 days trial period).

    2023 Year

    Revit: Sheet numerator (09.10.2023)

    Added the ability to use numeric parameters to record the number of sheets in a group.

    Revit: Sheet numerator (17.09.2023)

    Added "." and "+" characters to the list of composite number dividers.

    Revit: Sheet numerator (05.06.2023)

    Fixed a bug where a suffix from a parameter was set as a sheet number prefix.

    Revit: Sheet numerator (01.01.2023)

    Changed icons.
    Added command access settings on the ribbon.

    2022 Year

    Revit: Sheet numerator (28.10.2022)

    Added move batch numbering.
    Added an explanation why move numbering is unavailable.

    Revit: Sheet numerator (27.09.2022)

    Added accounting for repeating sheet numbers in a group when using simple numbering with the "Start numbering from the selected sheet in the group" option enabled.

    Revit: Sheet numerator (29.06.2022)

    Fixed a critical error in displacement numbering that would cause a fatal error in Revit.

    Revit: Sheet numerator (21.06.2022)

    Fixed an error setting the prefix from a parameter in Revit versions older than 2023.

    Revit: Sheet numerator (05.06.2022)

    The plugin window is made non-modal (does not block the Revit window).

    Revit: Sheet numerator (02.06.2022)

    Added the possibility to add additional numbering to the sheet name.

    Revit: Sheet numerator (14.05.2022)

    Added possibility to specify in which sheets to write the count of sheets in the group - in all or in the first one.

    Revit: Sheet numerator (13.05.2022)

    Added the possibility to add a prefix and/or suffix from the sheet parameter to the sheet number, as well as to write the number of sheets in the group to the specified parameter.

    2021 Year

    Revit: Sheet numerator (13.09.2021)  Read more

    Added possibility to set leading zeros for the sheet number.

    2020 Year

    Revit: Sheet numerator (03.06.2020)

    Improved algorithm for building a tree based on a project browser with a high level of nesting.

    Revit: Sheet numerator (01.05.2020)

    Fixed a bug in which the value of numbering recorded in the parameter when disable the advanced settings of the numbering.

    2019 Year

    Revit: Sheet numerator (26.12.2019)  Read more

    Update related to replacement of support library.

    Revit: Sheet numerator (24.12.2019)

    Fixed error "Index was outside the bounds of the array" when reading the sheets of the project.

    Revit: Sheet numerator (28.09.2019)

    Added saving of input values of the component parts of the number of the page for advanced configuration numbering.

    Revit: Sheet numerator (13.05.2019)  Read more

    Added advanced settings for the numbering of sheets with the ability to record part numbers in the parameter.
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