Revit. Active tab context menu. Sort tabs

Published: 21 October 2023

We are pleased to introduce a new built-in service for Revit Active Tab Context Menu, with which you can perform a number of useful actions and also enable tab sorting!


You can learn more about the new service in our short video:

Enjoy your work with ModPlus!


ModPlus auf Deutsch

Published: 07 October 2023
Wir freuen uns, Ihnen mitteilen zu können, dass MODPLUS seit HEUTE auf Deutsch verfügbar ist!

deu localization

Die deutsche Übersetzung wurde und wird von professionellen Übersetzern angefertigt. Aber auch professionelle Übersetzer können etwas falsch übersetzen, da sie den Kontext nicht kennen. Wenn Sie solche Stellen bemerken, zögern Sie bitte nicht, uns zu kontaktieren!

Dieser Beitrag wurde von einem Online-Übersetzer übersetzt!

Viel Spaß bei Ihrer Arbeit mit ModPlus!


New plugin for Revit. Show views in 3D

Published: 18 September 2023
Introducing a new plugin for Revit - Show views on 3D!

This plugin will allow you to visualize the boundaries of flat views on the 3D view, which will help you analyze the completeness of the information presented in the model!

We have shown how the plugin works in our new short video:

Enjoy your work with ModPlus!


Revit. Apartment Layout. Typical floors

Published: 03 September 2023

Recently we were approached by our customers who actively use the plugin Apartment Layout with an interesting problem: when modeling a multi-story building with the same floors, they received different apartment areas. And the problem arose not because of the plugin, but because of Revit itself - in some cases Revit creates slightly different room outlines.

After a joint brainstorm, the client and we came up with an interesting solution - typical floors. And today we are happy to present the release of this solution!



New plugin for Revit. Sum of parameters

Published: 30 August 2023
Introducing a new plugin for Revit - Sum of parameters!

This small plugin will allow you to get the sum of numerical parameters present in all selected elements. The plugin is made in non-modal mode - ie does not block the Revit window, and reading values is done by clicking the "Take" button. The plugin also includes the ability to round the value and quickly copy the value to the clipboard

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Enjoy your work with ModPlus!


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