New function for AutoCAD: ModPlus ISO

Published: 04 October 2017


New to AutoCAD! But try carefully!

Here under this slogan comes a new function. And why? Read under the cut


New function for Revit: Rebar solid and visible

Published: 24 September 2017

Again a new function for Revit – Rebar solid and visible. The author of the initial version of the Function is familiar to many Markevich Maxim, which gave me the source code of the Function and now it is in the ModPlus plugin.

This function is also quite simple and performs only one action, but I assure you it is a useful function for those who are engaged in reinforcement. As you know, initially rebars on 3D views are shown in simple lines.:


But you can change its visibility so that it appears as a body and at the same time is displayed "on top" of other graphics (Show Uncovered):


However, to do this, you need to take a lot of actions - select the reinforcement, open a special window for setting the visibility and put two checkmarks for a particular view. Now all this can be done in two clicks - launch the Function and select the element containing the armature. And All - the necessary settings for all valves in the elements will be installed.

Use with pleasure and pleasant work with ModPlus plugin.


New function for Revit: 3D section box

Published: 23 September 2017
Meet the new function in the plugin – 3D section box!

This is the first function in the plugin, not written by me, although I have adapted and corrected for ModPlus. The author of the function is my colleague Ostanin Anton.

A few words about the Function: it works quite simply - you select any elements (or several elements) and the function creates a new 3D view with the selected elements cropped into the view cube. At the same time, a small window appears with a slider that allows you to resize the species cube evenly in all directions from the selected objects. See for yourself how it works.:

Perhaps users of Revit version 2016 and above will say: "Yes, there is one already in Revit itself". And they will only be partially right! But when they try this function, they will immediately forget about the existence of the native Revit’s command! However, I don’t have a reason to convince anyone - it’s just enough for me to upload a screenshot of the Autodesk application store:

ostViewIn3D appStore

Oh yes - this function is there, and she's recommended! So let's put everything in a function, use it and leave your feedback!

Soon there will be more replenishment in the ranks of the Functions under Revit! So join yourself and recommend to your friends! And enjoy your work with the plugin ModPlus!


1400 users

Published: 13 July 2017


Congratulations user - Ренат Хузеханов (login Renat77). He became 1400 registered user and gets a 50% discount on all purchases!


New function - Dwg base

Published: 04 June 2017

Meet the new and, I'm more than sure, the most unique function – Dwg base!

You might think - "So what’s unique here? Function with base blocks and drawings. Surely there are plenty of such ..." But no! This function has two distinct features.:

1) Download files on demand. Let me explain - when you install or update the dwg database, then only one file is downloaded to your computer as an xml file. But when you open a function, find some necessary block or drawing in the database, then when you try to insert it, the function will offer you to download this file! You do not need to download your ALL database of blocks and drawings, but only those files that are necessary for you! Of course, there is an option for those who do not have access to the internet network - on the base page on the site you can download both the pointer file and all the necessary files from the base.

2) Base occupancy is made by ITS USERS! This is the most important uniqueness! The function has the ability to create your local database. And there is an opportunity to send this database to the site server! Not all of course, but selectively, at the discretion of users. Once a week, and maybe more often, I will check the sent files (you can't blindly believe anyone) and add them to the main database.

I express my deep gratitude to two people who are always actively helping me. Firstly, Vladimir Malyugin, who first added blocks to the base. And he did it manually even while I was developing the function! Secondly, Maxim Markevich, who, despite the tight schedule due to the release of his new course on Revit, found a free evening and recorded a video presentation of the new function:

As always, when new features are released, I hope the users are responsive. I don’t have a group of testers and errors in the function are possible. Therefore, be careful and save before using the function. And of course write about the errors found and suggestions on the forum.
I have it all. Enjoy your work with ModPlus plugin


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