The cost of single-user and corporate subscriptions will be raised on March 1, 2025
If you are not only a Revit user, but also an AutoCAD user, you know that in ModPlus plug-in for AutoCAD there are so-called mini-functions. Those functions that are too small to create them as separate plug-in functions.
Of course, and for Revit such functions should have been expected to appear. And now this day has come - meet the new Tools Function, which is a collection of such mini-functions. And it starts right away with three mini-functions: 2D-3D mode of grids, Hide / Show category and Notching distance. In this case, the Notching distance is the function that so many have been waiting for! And in order not to be verbose, I prepared a video for you:
Try it, leave your comments, tell your colleagues! Enjoy your work with the plugin ModPlus
CommentsRecently there was news under the name New principles of storing settings, in which I reported that some of the settings were moved to the registry and only the settings of the Functions remained in the configuration file. Unfortunately, this did not solve all the problems. To be more precise, I did not solve one basic problem - the problem of access to the configuration file. So far this is the most common problem.
However, in Windows, a special directory is provided for storing such data, for which you do not need administrator rights to write. It is located on the path C:/Users/{user name}/AppData/Roaming and is usually hidden from the user's eyes. Which is logical - it's better not to rule anything there. It is in this folder that all user settings will now be stored. Today I released an extensive update that performs one basic task - moving the /ModPlus/UserData directory with all the contents to the C:/Users/{user name}/AppData/Roaming/ModPlus/UserData directory.
As I said - the update is extensive and affected many components of the plugin: Configurator, Auto Update Module, AutoCAD work libraries, as well as several Functions: for AutoCAD it is - Standards, Notes, Specifications and ESKD. For Revit – External dimensions on the plan and Dimensions by line. Also, some minor (and not very) errors were fixed. As always, you can read about all the changes in the Change story.
CommentsFor anyone who works with families using nested families. And to not write a lot of text, we have prepared a video for you:
The biggest problem with the ModPlus plug-in was the problem of storing settings. Many users were faced with the fact that the plug-in at some point simply stopped working and errors began to appear indicating that the configuration file could not be read. And it saved only one thing - it was required to delete the configuration file and run the Configurator. This created a new configuration file and had to re-configure everything.
CommentsI did not make a new video, as there is nothing to shoot - the function works very quickly and requires only a couple of mouse clicks. So I put the video, which was made as a demo video a couple of months ago:
That it would be desirable to note - it is important to understand that the function does not perform for you a complete measurement of the plan. This is practically impossible task. But the function will allow you to do this many times faster!