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Context filter


Context filter

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6.60 USD
  • Filter elements by parameters, which works as a context menu


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    The filter is launched in one of three ways: by left-clicking the mouse while holding down the Ctrl key, by sequential pressing of keys, or by pressing a key combination. The filter has three processing levels – all elements of the model, elements in the current view, or selected elements. There is the ability to use presets for quick filter use

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    The context filter can operate in two modes: the context filter and its window mode.

    To launch the context filter, use the "Context Filter" command in the ribbon on the ModPlus tab:


    Specify one of three options for calling the context filter dialog:

    • By left-clicking the mouse while holding down the Ctrl key. In this case, there may be some restrictions on working in Revit associated with the use of this combination of buttons. For example, when you try to add other elements to the set of selected items.
    • By successive pressing of the indicated keys. The default sequence is “F, F”. The time interval between keystrokes is not taken into account. When specifying a sequence, consider the assigned Revit hotkeys.
    • By pressing the specified key combination. The default key combination is “Shift + F”. When specifying a different combination, consider existing combinations (Ctrl + C, Ctrl + V and others)

    You can use the same method to close the filter window as you did when calling  it.

    An option is available below that allows you not to close the filter after applying an action.

    You can enable automatic launch of the context filter when loading Revit by checking the corresponding checkbox.

    The filter only starts if the current Revit window is active!

    To launch the window mode of the context filter, select the "Filter. Window mode" command in the ribbon on the ModPlus tab.

    The main dialog of the context filter in both modes is divided into three zones:


    From left to right:

    • The first zone contains a list of context for data collection and a list of presets (described later).
    • The second zone contains a list of parameter values for elements grouped by categories of elements in the current context.
    • The third zone contains a list of marked parameter values (filter list), list controls, and filter application elements.
    3 - closes the context filter dialog.
    12 - allows you to drag the filter around the screen

    The context for data collection may be: all model elements, all elements in view, selected elements, filters of the current document. If no elements were selected at the start of the filter, then the context Selected elements does not appear in the list. If there are no elements in the current view when starting the filter, then the context All elements in view does not appear in the list.

    The context All by selected works as follows. If the filter was run when there are selected elements, the tree will display the categories of the selected elements, but all elements in the model will be processed.

    When you switch to the context By filter on view, a drop-down list with all filters of the current document becomes available:


    Selecting a filter on the current view will search for items by this filter, and the category tree will be filled with search results.

    Only in window mode the contexts Found on view and Found in model are available, which process the items found using Elements filter:


    The list in the second zone is initially filled only with categories of elements for the selected context. In this regard, the search in the upper zone of the list only works for categories.

    Parameter filter - only parameters whose name contains the value specified in the filter will be displayed in the tree:


    When the option Dynamic selection is checked and the positions in the tree are selected, the corresponding elements in the model will be selected. If a category is selected, then all elements of the category will be selected, if a parameter value is selected, then all elements with this value. Added an increased indentation to the tree elements to the left of the checkboxes - an indentation has been added for the ability to select a position in the tree, since when you click on the checkbox with the mouse, the position itself is not selected.

    When you select a category from the list, the parameters of all elements of this category are collected. In this case, the total number of elements in this category appears in front of the category name. Type parameters in the list are displayed with a "t", shared parameters are displayed with an "s".

    By clicking on a parameter, all values of this parameter are collected. The number to the left of the parameter value indicates how many elements with that value were found.

    When you check the parameter value, this parameter is added to the list in the third zone. Checking the box adds all parameter values to the list in the third zone.

    All values in the second list are filled in alphabetical order.

    Pressing arrow collapse allows you to collapse all collapsed categories in the tree.

    If the filter window is open after you finish your search, the category lists will dynamically update when you switch between views or documents, or when you change the selection of elements.

    In the category tree, a checkbox is available to the right of each category. If you check this checkbox for more than one category, the Same parameters zone will appear at the bottom:


    In this zone a list of parameters that occur in all selected categories is available. For each such parameter there will be available the values, which are also available for all selected categories. If you click on a parameter name, the number of the same parameter values for the selected categories will be displayed in front of the name. In this way you can search for elements of different categories with the same value of the same parameter.

    All values in the list in the third zone are the result of filtering if the filter condition OR is selected at the top of the list. For example, in the screenshot above, all rebars in the current view for which the Length parameter value is 0' - 6" fall into the filtering.

    If the AND filtering condition is selected at the top of the list in the third zone, then the filtering result for each category will be elements that have all the values of all parameters in the list.

    You can apply one of the following actions to the list in the third zone:

    8 – select all elements.
    11 – remove all checked elements from the current selection. This action is available only if the elements were selected at the start of the filter.
    9 – isolate all elements in the current view.
    10 – isolate all elements in the current form, except for filtered ones (inversion isolation).

    The following controls are available to the right of the third list:

    6 – clear the entire current list for filtering.
    7 – save the current filter list as a new preset or change the current preset. When you click on the button, a dialog appears:


    The dialog contains two fields - the name of the preset (required) and the description of the preset (optional). If the current filter list is obtained by applying a previously saved preset, then in this dialog the name and description of the applied preset will be filled in and the Save as new checkbox will appear. If the Without values option is enabled, only the categories and parameter names will be saved in the preset for later selection of all parameter values.

    When saving a preset in the first zone, a list of presets appears:


    Presets allow you to save filtering conditions for their subsequent quick re-use.

    The name and description of the preset are displayed in a tooltip when you hover over the preset in the list. no parameter appears before the name of a preset saved with the Without values option enabled.

    The list of presets can be saved on the ModPlus server through the Backup Settings section in the Personal Account.

  • Change history for

    2024 Year

    Revit: Context filter (06.09.2024)

    Taking the system type name into account when comparing categories.

    Revit: Context filter (24.05.2024)

    Fixed a bug where it was not taken into account that a parameter was related to a type when saving presets (the change is only taken into account in presets created after an update).

    Revit: Context filter (13.03.2024)

    Returned the ability to launch the context filter in group and assembly editing mode.

    Revit: Context filter (06.03.2024)

    Added the ability to select all elements in a category.

    Revit: Context filter (04.01.2024)

    Fixed errors when working with presets related to processing elements without a category.

    2023 Year

    Revit: Context filter (29.12.2023)

    Adding a button to the standard Revit "Selection" panel.
    Added processing of elements without category.
    Disabling dynamic selection when the "Selected Elements" context is selected.

    Revit: Context filter (08.11.2023)

    Using the ModPlus.Xaml.Behaviors.Wpf.dll library instead of Microsoft.Xaml.Behaviors.dll to resolve compatibility issues with other plugins.

    Revit: Context filter (06.11.2023)

    Added checking that Revit is in text note or model text editing mode.

    Revit: Context filter (19.10.2023)

    Added tooltip with parameter value in parameter tree.

    Revit: Context filter (18.10.2023)

    Fixed a bug where the preset search did not work.

    Revit: Context filter (18.10.2023)

    Added tooltip with parameter name in parameter tree.

    Revit: Context filter (01.08.2023)

    Fixed a bug where unnecessary parameters could be added to the "Same parameters" list in certain conditions.

    Revit: Context filter (01.08.2023)

    Added display of the number of values of same parameters.

    Revit: Context filter (31.07.2023)  Read more

    Added window mode.
    Added context for searching elements by view filters on the current view.
    Added context for searching elements by ModPlus filters on the current view and in the model (only in window mode)..
    Added ability to search for the same parameters with the same values for multiple categories.
    Added ability to save presets without parameter values.
    Added check if the group, assembly, or sketch editing mode is active before launching the context filter.
    Expanded the list of view types on which the context filter does not run.
    Removed support for Revit 2017-2018.
    Fixed design in dark design theme.

    2022 Year

    Revit: Context filter (24.11.2022)

    Removed plugin loading through manifest file.
    Icons changed.

    Revit: Context filter (19.07.2022)

    Fixed the error of starting the filter if there are no open documents.

    Revit: Context filter (04.05.2022)

    Added identification of type parameters.

    2021 Year

    Revit: Context filter (08.12.2021)

    Added processing of parameters of type.

    Revit: Context filter (24.11.2021)

    Added dynamic refreshing of category lists when switching between views or documents, as well as when changing the selection of items if the filter window is open.
    Added an option to close the filter in the same way as to open it.
    Added accounting of shared parameters.

    Revit: Context filter (05.10.2021)

    Saving in presets not only the category, but also the element type.

    Revit: Context filter (23.09.2021)

    Fixed localization error of some values.

    Revit: Context filter (05.09.2021)

    Removed the use of a static resource dictionary, which in some cases leads to errors when starting plugins.

    Revit: Context filter (24.08.2021)

    Added ignoring the color profile of the system when loading icons from plugin resources.

    Revit: Context filter (18.07.2021)

    Added the "All by selected" operation option that fills the list of categories by selected elements, but processes all elements in the model.
    Added parameter filter in the tree by parameter name.
    If the parameter is not set, the value of the parameter is displayed as "[Not set]".
    If the current view is a schedule, the filter will not open.
    Fixed an error that causes the focus to be transferred to other application windows when the filter is closed.

    2020 Year

    Revit: Context filter (28.12.2020)

    Fixed launch error after updating working libraries.

    Revit: Context filter (07.12.2020)

    Added the ability to move the filter around the screen.
    Added option "dynamic selection", which allows to select elements in the model when choosing a position in the tree.
    Added consideration of system types when grouping categories in a tree.

    Revit: Context filter (11.07.2020)

    Added ability to close the filter after applying the action.
    Improved algorithm of determining the availability of run of filter based on detach Revit windows.
    From the list settings of the sequence, and shortcuts are removed the numbers.
    Fixed saving sequences and shortcuts.

    Revit: Context filter (06.07.2020)  Read more

    Added AND/OR condition.
    Added the ability to exclude checked elements from the current selection.
    The context filter now only runs if the Revit window is active.

    Revit: Context filter (25.06.2020)

    Added white background for buttons.
    Added the implementation of isolation and inverse isolation of the elements through the transaction (can undo via Ctrl Z).

    Revit: Context filter (25.06.2020)

    Added check the position of the cursor when run the filter through a sequence or combination of keys.
    Added sorting of parameter values.

    Revit: Context filter (25.06.2020)

    Fixed full description of the plugin used in the tooltip for the button on the ribbon.

    Revit: Context filter (24.06.2020)  Read more

    Added configurable options to run the filter.
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